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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 20, 1979
Page 7
to have the programme discontinued. We're praying for God to give us
favour and are waiting for the decision on whether or not the contract
will be renewed.
--Compiled by Rod Matthews, International Office
With the renewed thrust and direction of the Church as outlined and
directed by Mr. Armstrong, mail response reflects the enthusiasm of
members and nonmembers alike.
Members and co-workers are commenting about the blessings of tithing.
Members also continue to express gratitude over having received a clear
understanding of the relationship between God and unconverted mates and
children. And a fresh view of long-standing church publications and the
impact in the lives of nonmembers is highlighted from their comments.
Blessings of Tithing
I have to tell you about a blessing that God gave me. You
know that I got my four hundred dollars out of the bank (that
I had saved for the winter to help me make it through) and sent
it all in to you and do you know that in the mail I got $511.00
and I don't know where or who it was from or what for. Just
look what God gave me. He gave me back a hundred more than I
sent in to you.
--Mary Ellen Harshman (Knoxville, MD)
Enclosed please find a draft for $120.00 to be used as first
tithe. My unconverted husband has willingly been giving a
part of his income these past few months, and God has blessed
us accordingly it seems. There have been many "favors in men's
eyes" in the business he's in, cutting cedar bolts. And we
know where the blessings come from, and are very thankful to
be able to contribute to the Work of God.
--Judith Argue (Vernonia, OR)
You probably wonder why I send you 8 to 10 hundred dollars
a year since I'm not a church member. I like what you teach--
I don't agree completely, but I think it's best of all religions
for future generations.
--Mr. Harry L. Gass (Chattanooga, TN)
I write this letter in response to my reading of the tithing
booklet and the plain truth about it. This booklet opened
my mind and answered some very important issues concerning
tithes, and tithe paying.
In response to reading this very enlightening booklet, I have
enclosed my very first tithe to our heavenly Father and His
good church, which has been blessed by God! It is very clear
to me that without this support from faithful members, it would
certainly be a problem in proclaiming God's great truths, and
good news to the world.
--Charles Bottoms (Dayton, OH)