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As expected, we have received a number of encouraging letters from very
grateful people who have had their faith strengthened and renewed after
reading the booklet.
People have received God's blessing in healings
and in other ways as well. In addition to comments about the healing
booklet, we have included an account of how members help one another.
--Mail Processing Center
Response to "The Plain Truth About Healing"
I just finished reading the booklet recently sent out on "Healing."
I felt I should write and tell you how much that booklet was
appreciated. It seemed there had been so much confusion and contra­
diction regarding healing, I wasn't sure what to believe anymore
until reading this new booklet.
The booklet couldn't have arrived at a more needed time. Reading
the truths you showed, especially concerning faith, helped renew
a fading faith in my own life. I had been worried that perhaps God
had deserted me, when the problem was obviously a lack of real faith
on my part that God would strengthen me to fight sin in my life and
make me able to understand His Work.
--Ralph Giddens III (St. Louis, MO)
I want you to know that I was deeply inspired by the new "Healing"
booklet you wrote. It helped me learn much more about faith since
my conversion 6\ years ago. I am not ill, but I applied all the
principles of faith to waiting on God for our house to sell, and
reading the booklet along with the Bible has helped me to under­
stand so much more, and for that I am deeply grateful.
--Mrs. Chris Beam (Wheeling, IL)
I have been studying the revised booklet on "Healing." How blessed
we are that you are teaching again that God and God only heals. Truly
there has been in the last few years a pronounced lack of faith in God
for healing us! Everyone was seeking the doctor rather than request­
ing anointing.
In my family God has performed some fantastic miracles! He healed me
completely of Bell's Palsy, gave life to my grandson born at 29 weeks
rather than 40, and has given him perfect eyesight and all physical
abilities and mentality. In fact, he is as normal as the full-term
baby. He healed my mother of a terrible muscular disease that was
--Mrs. Cynthia C. Cook (Phoenix, AZ)
Thank you for the booklet, "The Plain Truth About Healing." It
encourages us when we read and know your experiences and how God
has healed you and your family when sore trials were upon you.
Thank you again.
--Mrs. Della Leona Peters (Economy, IN)
I feel a strong need to write to you now. I just finished reading
your booklet on "Healing" and it is tremendous. It is restoring the
real true faith once delivered.