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"It began because of a few corrupt people. A handful of people. Now you
can't even recognize the charges that they're making. You can't recognize
what they're trying to tell the court their case is now compared to what
they said back on January 3rd. Go back and read the headlines, those of
you who have access to the newspaper morgues, and see what they said back
on January 3rd and see what they are saying today. Much different. Much
"And yet they didn't hesitate, as Mr. Armstrong says, 'to blacken us with
a big brush.' He wants total vindication for
church. And he wants
total vindication for everyone who has been villified by these people. And
in the process, if it is necessary to expose them for what they are,
that's what will be.
Significant Turning Point
"Yesterday was, we think, a very significant turning point. All these
matters kind of reach a climax periodically--not necessarily the final
climax--but yesterday was a very significant day: it was the first time
we had access to the Ninth Circuit /Court of Appeals/. We had no access
before to the Ninth Circuit and it was the first time we were able to go
up quickly with an appeal (as differentiated from some kind of a special
writ)--on appeal from an order from an inferior Liowe.£7 federal court ••..
"Seven months we have been patiently waiting to get before the Ninth
Circuit. As it turned out, the timing was such we were able to do so with
almost exquisite timing. Actually L I was on my way_out the door for my
appearance at the state building /for my deposition/ when the Ninth Circuit
"Well, we are coming into what I think
the home stretch. Things are
beginning to accelerate a little bit and we can see that very, very clearly
now. It is going to be possible to punch more and more holes in their
entire 'structure,' which has been crumbling for some time."
Many have been asking when the "Blessing of Children
will be conducted.
Traditionally, this annual event takes place one to two weeks following
the Feast of Tabernacles. Effective this year, Mr. Armstrong has set
aside the second Sabbath after the Feast for the blessing of children on
a permanent basis.
Another matter came up during the Feast which has a tendency of being over­
done and is therefore losing its meaning and impact. For quite some time,
members have been clap e ing for
anything and everything during
Sabbath services. It is generally not considered in good taste to applaud
for special music in Church services, as special music is to honor God, not
the musician. A compliment given to the performer after services to show
appreciation would certainly be appropriate. However, it would not be
wrong to honor Mr. Armstrong with applause, or perhaps even to show appre­
ciation to a minister visiting from some foreign area, or perhaps on
occasion when a minister gives an outstanding and inspiring sermon such