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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, October .t.4, 1979
Page 4
"The reason we are not talking is because we are trying to protect the very
right we say the Attorney General doesn't have. The right to come in and
then dominate the church. There is a difference....
"Maybe God is going to use it /the lawsuit/ to get our name around the
world. Maybe He has used it already. But then /when we get this case
wrapped uE7 we can really go ahead and put more time in getting the gospel
And when I say 'more time,'I mean directly through TV, radio, the
Plain Truth and whatever other means we are going to use. I say in addi­
tion to this case because this case is getting the gospel out! Just�em­
ber tc,thank God for the help He has given us already and pray that we can
have more and more of an opening here and more of His help."
A House Cleaning In Government
(Editor's Note: The following comments are excerpts from Mr. Rader's
brief talk which actually preceded Mr. Helge's comments at the employee/
student meeting. Then after Mr. Helge, Mr. Michael Ravid, former Consul
General in Los Angeles for the nation of Israel, was the featured speaker.
Mr. Ravid spoke glowingly of Messers Armstrong's and Rader's friendship and
efforts in aiding Israel through various A.I.C.F. projects over the past
ten years. Coverage of Mr. Ravid's talk will be presented in the upcoming
Worldwide News.)
"As we carry the gospel of Jesus Christ, we are also going to help, as much
as we can, expose corruption'in government. This is going to be something
that--as long as the battle has been started--we feel would be a good job
to finish. Wherever that corruption is, w� want to exEose it. Particularly
if it tramples on our rights to practice /our religion/ freely in accordance
with the constitutional guarantees of the-United States.
"So we have engaged a man who has been accustomed to exposing corruption
in government. And because of his efforts there are people who served
time because of corruption in the highest places in government. His name
_. Ar. Earl Silbert. He prosecuted the Watergate people and he put them
in jail.
"Now that was not an expose of corruption in a church. It was corruption
in the White House. It was /also7 corruption in the /U.S./ Attorney
General's office in Washington. -That was what the game was all about.
And we're going to do all we can to bear down on this corruption that we
know exists in the Attorney General's office here in this state.
"As long as they started the battle we will prevail. And the chips will
fall where they must. But Mr. Silbert is now on our legal defense team,
and he will coordinate those efforts in Washington D.C. and here. We will
be leaning on these people who would meddle in God's affairs. Leaning on
these people who would try to interrupt this great WORK by peddling the
worst kind of falsehood....
"We know these things go on /political corruption/ and now we have been
affected and we are gathering the data, we are gathering the evidence. We
have our investigators working tirelessly to bring it to our attention and
hence to the authorities in this state. And if we cannot get them to act
one way or another we will get that Attorney General's office cleaned up
because that Lpolitical corruptio�7 is what this was all about.