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a powerful example by going out and touching other lives -- where
people are drawh to us and desire to know what energizes and moti­
vates us.
Isaiah 55:10-11
The preaching of the Gospel, whether in the form of the telecast, the
radio broadcast, the Plain Truth magazine, our whole church literature
program including the Correspondence course, or the personal witness
of thousands of members and ministers worldwide, mus.
t bring� result!
We must .. bear fruit for the Kingdom."
Ezekiel said, "Turn ye, turn ye, for why will you die O Israel?" Our
message is the same today. Even though the foreheads of many are
"adamant as flint," we must still make every effort to reach people's
minds and hearts with God's message.
We must .. cry aloud and spare not" in showing the world its sins --
but we must also give them hope. We must make them realize that there
is light at the end of the tunnel
there is peace in God's valley.
They don't have to die, there is a way out.
As the collective Body of Christ, each of us are the servants of
God. We are involved in a life-saving work! Those of us who are not
gifted with the ability or the opportunity to preach the Gospel in a
public way must realize that our responsibility to the Gospel is in
no way diminished by that fact. We can all set an example. Our
wholesome, friendly conduct, our happy way of°Tife, our close families
are all means of preaching the Gospel. People�ch us -- we are undero
scrutiny every day of the week because we claim to be "God's people."
And when we zealously live God's way others do take notice! Our
light cannot be hid under a bushel. Our way of life must be open and
exposed for all the world to see -- and, hopefully, many will ultimately
be helped and called by God using each one of our lives as living
Brethren, big changes are underway in the Church of God. Momentous
changes for the better. Changes that will bring the Work of the Church
into sharp focus before a watching world. With the College under­
graduate program moving to Big Sandy, the Church will become more
and more prominent. Pasadena will become clearly visible as the Center
of God's work on earth in this age. The Church's profile_is being
raised in every area. Now, as never before, we will go forth to
proclaiin°"Christ'sntessage with S ower and with even greater conviction.
And it is a collective responsi ility. We have all been called to
have a part in it and to share in that responsibility. It is not
solely the duty of the Armstrong's to proclaim Christ's message --
it is that of the ENTIRE CHURCH!
God has placed each one of us in His Son's Body "as it has pleased
him" (1 Cor. 12:18). We are here because God wanted us -- individually
and collectively -- to have a part in the Work He is doing in this age.
Matthew 28:19 is given a misleading translation in KJV. The Greek
word translated .. teach" is matheteuo and generally has the meaning