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Jesus was often "moved with compassion" for a world that was without
spiritual leadership. He was.. ·deeply concerned about the plight of
mankind. And how much worse "is that plight today!
Our message and approach to the world must not treat the world,
including confused, ignorant, searching, seeking; deceived "little ones"
like they were all conniving, murder-plotting Pharisees! We must adopt
a Christlike attitude of personal caring toward .those "without."
Matthew 9:35-38
This passage sums up the attitude God's people should have toward the
outside world.
Each human being, male, female, black, brown, yellow or white, child
and adult alike, bears the image of God.
Each is a child of God by
virtue of his or her humanity. Each must be treated with love and
dignity. Each is a potential begotten child of God in the spiritual
sense. Jesus Christ died for every last one of· these little ones -­
these "sinners." And each one of us already called to the truth can
share in lighting their way to eternal life!
John 3:16
God so loved the world! How did God demonstrate this love for us?
Paul answers:
But God shows his love for us in that while��
yet sinners Christ died for us" (Rom. 5:8 RSV).
We, too, should love the world -- not its sins and way i that are
contrary to God ==--I)ut its people who
Gcia""s potent al heirs.
We can and should love the world as God loves the world. We should be
concerned enough about man's plight �want to do somehting about it.
We should have a sense of urgency about reaching this dying world with
God's message.
Mr. Ted Armstrong has announced that the time has come for the Church
of God to mobilize itself and carry out·its collective responsibility
in the preaching of Christ's Gospel in a far more comprehensive way.
Prophecy continues to march on to fulfilment. The return of Christ
and the establishment of the Kingdom is "nearer now than when we
believed" (Rom. 13:11). There is so much yet to do.
As Garner Ted Armstrong said recently, "We as a church can no longer
assume that if people do not listen to our message we have been
successful anyway." Paul said, "Woe is me if I preach not the Gospel!"
He felt a great burden to bring Christ's message to his generation.
He carried out his commission with a zeal and a dedication matched by
none of his day and time. We too -- each one of us -- must feel
that sense of "burden." We, too, must burn with zeal to reach as
many people as we can with this life-saving message!
We have the unique job of "preparing a people for the Lord." We have
a special responsibility to prepare people to receive the real Jesus
instead of the false Messiah of a false Christianity.
God's Word, when preached with power, was intended to accomplish�
result. It is not to return to him "void." Our lives can preach