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Parents Without a Mate
Children Without a Parent
Donald D. Schroeder
How does one cope with a fractured family?
a subject
o n
The Plain
must speak
Latest evidence reveals that
in growing numbers of inner–
city public schools in the United
States upwards of 90 percent of
students have experienced a
fractured home through di–
vorce, separation, desertion or
At least 20 percent of stu–
dents across America are expe–
riencing a one-parent home.
Among black children in the
United States it's 50 percent.
And think of the consequent
effects- financial stress, emotional
grief, loneliness, altered social rela–
tionships, perhaps unwanted inde–
pendence, or dependence on social
Something drastic must happen
in values and attitudes to stop this
spiraling breakup and destruction
of families through divorce, separa–
tion and desertion. The good news
is this spiraling breakup of the
home will be stopped- and sooner
than this world imagines!
But how do we humans avoid
fracturing families? And what if
the family is a lready fract u red
beyond repair? The answer is you
need to learn and avoid the
that either bring about or have
al r eady brought about these
devastating problems. Where do
you learn t he
for every effect there
a cause!
There is a cause for every good
thing in life and a cause for every
kind of human misery.
The cause of human misery is
broken law. You see, the Creator
God, at the beginning set in motion
laws that would make for complete
happiness, joy, !ove, prosperity-all
the ·good things one could ever
imagine. When we break these laws
they break us. The result is heart–
ache, sorrow and broken homes. To
remedy already tragic situations we
need to turn to God for help and
advice. He reveals his advice- his
purpose-in the pages of the book
we call the Holy Bible.
No Time for Wrong Dec isions
The early days, months or even
years after a young family is frac–
tured is an emotionally trying time.
1t is a period of deep and at times,
extreme feelings- even a period of
irrational or impulsive emotions
and "needs."
is precisely at such emotional–
ly disturbed times that many par–
ents and children make major
wrong decisions in their lives.
Too often in society a younger
divorced or deserted mate, perhaps
even a widowed mate, panics
because of financia!, emotional or
sexual needs. He or she rebounds
into a hasty or careless marriage.
Or into a sexual fling.
Or a school-age youth tries to
cope with unresolved family prob–
lems by abuse of alcohol or drugs
or by engaging in sex. Or drops out
of school or runs away. What was
an unfortunate family problem now
worsens into a more complex per–
sonal tragedy.
Too many have not learned to
endure any suffering or are not
willing to take time to work their
way through a difficult period of
adjustment to their situation.
there is only one thing you who
read this article remember, then
remember this: Ata time of emo–
tional upset or confusion it is
important to take time to bring
emotions under control and to
resolve feelings toward others
before making vital decisions that
will affect your or otbers' lives.
lf you're presently in' an unfortu–
nate family or personal situation, if