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(Continued from page 4)
tries as one entity) plus five nations
from Eastern Europe. The ancient
Roman Empire, one must recall,
was itself divided between east and
Moscow's obsession is with secu–
might be willing--or be
forced- in the future to trade her
buffer zone in the East for prom–
ises of nonaggression and massive
assistance for her stagnant econo–
my. "Tuba!" and "Meshech"–
referring to the Russians in proph–
ecy-are pictured as heavily
involved in the final worldwide
trading combine centered in Eu–
rope (Ezek. 27: 12).
In this grand realignment, the
United States, Britain and sorne
other North Atlantic countries
would be left out in the cold–
exposed to mortal danger!
"To the Borders of Russia"
Otto von Habsburg represents a
section of Bavaria in the European
Parliament. Dr. von Habsburg, a
ose friend of Dr. Strauss, is the
son of the last Austro-Hungarian
emperor. The Habsburg dynasty
played a major role in the leader–
ship of the resurrected Roman
Empire from the late Middle Ages
well into modern times.
In an interview not long ago with
the weekly West German news–
Der Spiegel, Dt.
Habsburg was asked, "Where,
then, does your Europe énd?" Dr.
von Habsburg answered: "lt
extends to the borders of Russia."
To the question, "Does that mean
that you intend to expel the Soviets
from Eastern Europe?" Dr. von
Habsburg replied: "That means
that we have a feeling of solidarity
for the Europeans on the other side
of the Yalta line, that we have to
stand up for the right of self-deter–
mination of these Europeans with
all peaceful means.
is for us an ·
unbearable thought that decoloni–
zation is applicable exclusively for
Africa and Asia and not also for
In an interview sorne years ear–
lier, Dr. von Habsburg asserted:
"Right now politically the only
thing one can do in the West is to
see to it that the West be united as
fast as possible ... in order to give
a ll those nations [in Eastern
Europe] who are now separated
from Europe an alternative when
the time comes-God knows when
it's going to come, but it will come
one day."
Religion-part of Europe's his–
torie past that today's youth over–
looks-is critica! to its future. Dr.
von Habsburg regards Christian–
ity- in the form of the Roman
Catholic Church- as Europe's ulti–
mate bulwark. "The cross doesn't
need Europe, " he says, "but
Europe needs the cross."
Thus the stage is being set for that
final, dramatic reviva! of the Roman
Empire. When it actually occurs it
will shock an unexpecting world
(Rev. 17:8)- all peoples except
those few wbo understand Bible
prophecy and God's Plan, and who
are called in this age to be in spiritual
training for the World Tomorrow.
The ·
good news
is from that date
onward it will be but a short step in
time to that happy World Tomorrow
when Jesus Christ wi ll return the
second time and the government of
God and world peace will be restored
to this earth. o
Personal from...
(Continued from page 1)
primarily affected. It will be those
whom God caused to be named
after Jacob--or Israel- the nations
descended from the two sons of
Joseph. And those are the United
States and British peoples of the
United Kingdom, Canada, Austra–
lia, New Zealand and South Africa.
(See the free book
The United
States and Britain in Prophecy.)
Ezekiel foreteJls it (chapters
5:12 and 6:6). Moses described it
(Deut. 28-especially verses 20-
24, 32-34 and 49-50; also Lev. 26,
especially verses 16-20) . Already
these prophecies are
be carried out. Already the "pride
of BRITAIN'S power" (Lev. 26:19)
has been broken. The former
wor ld's number one power has
been reduced to a second-rate
power. And the "PRIDE" of Amer–
ica's power was certainly broken
in Vietnam.
The Great Tribulation is to be
primarily on the United States and
the British peoples! Events leading
to it are smouldering under cover
now, gradually gaining momentum.
And then, suddenly, the WORLD
But Jet me tell you,
do not
expect to be here in its path when it
strikes! And YOU need not be one
of its multiple-millions of victims!
Jesus Christ gave the warning
(Matt. 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 ) .
And when He said, in Luke's ver–
sion of His warning: "WATCH YE
therefore, and pray always, that ye
may be accounted worthy to
shall . come to pass, and to stand
before the Son of man" (at His
coming-Luke 21 :36), He was giv–
ing you and me a PROMISE of divine
protection from these very things
He had been describing-/
watch world events AS PROPHESIED,
and remain obedient and continual–
ly in contact with God through
There is another promise of
miraculous protection from t his
Great Tribulation.
is in the third
chapter of Revelation. Beginning
verse 7 is a description of how the
living Christ would OPEN A DOOR
by whicb His Gospel may go out to
all the world as a witness and a
warning. That is the very Work
being carried on through
Wor/d Tomorrow
broadcast and
The Plain Truth
and related litera–
ture. In verse 1
is Christ's PROM–
ISE that
we have been
faithful WITH HIS WORD, He will
also keep us from "the hour of
temptation." But the marginal
reading- the correct translation
from the original Greek-is
or "Great Tribulation."
These events are REAL!
This world is hurling itself rap–
idly to the grand-smash CLIMAX of
world trouble. Crime, violence,
lawlessness, disrespect for authori–
ty, are increasing at a RAPID
God help us not to treat this
warning lightly.
Take heed and read the further
promise of PROTECTION not only
through the Great Tribulation, but
also the PLAGUES of the Day of the
Lord to follow, in the 91st
psalm. o