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Agreement is widespread that your d iet- wha t you eat
substantial role in both your mental and physical well-being.
mastery is temperate in all things"
( l Cor. 9:25). Moderation is a law
(Phil. 4:5).
For example, the Bible says salt
is good (Matt. 5:13; Luke 14:34).
But, research has shown that too
much salt can contribute signifi–
cantly to high blood pressure and
other maladies. This principie can
also be applied to other natural
products such as honey. The Bible
reveals "it is not good to eat much
honey" (P rov. 25:27).
Also, nowhere is it commanded
that we must eat meat or d ri nk
milk. Sorne people have problems
digesti ng certain foods, or they
might rightly want to abstain from
certain meats because of the use of
chemical preservatives. T he scien–
tific jury is still out so far as preser–
vatives are concerned, but sorne
wisely elect to avoid treated meat
because of possible cancer-related
The same is t r ue of mil led
wheat. Sorne nu trition ists and
registered diet icians s t ill claim
t here is substan t ially little d iffer–
e nce between so-called white
bread and commercially available
whole wheat. A vast amount of
evidence remains to be analyzed
concer n ing the advantages of
whole wheat flou r (where t he
ent ire kernel of wheat is milled
instead of o nl y t he soft interio r ).
Bu t those who mi li thei r own
b read a nd fl our products made
with whole grains know the differ–
ence. Most nu trition ists will at
leas t admit t hat whole wheat
bread provides more bulk than its
white counterpar t. As impl ied in
t he prophet Daniel's controversy
as a young student wi t h the
"ki ng's meat" ( Dan. 1:8- 16),
refined and processed food should
give way to a diet fortified with
more vegetables or grains in their
natu ral form.
God expects a person to use
in selecting nu tr it ional
foods. And he expects his Word to
be the foundat ion of that wisdom
(11 Tim. 3: 15- 16) .
December 1981
A Warning
I n conclusion, it should be noted
that in the area of nutrition and
diet sorne are simply unable to uti–
lize what God has made fit for
humans in general. Why? Because
of the accumulative effect of physi–
cal law-breaking for thousands of
Sorne may inher it their physical
problems, while others may suffer
from years of improper diet, or
related envi ronmental prob lems.
For example, a confirmed alcoholic
should never use the Bible as an
excuse to resume d ri nking.
This same is true of other aspects
of nutrit ion. Heart patients must
generally avoid salt, even though
the Bible reveals that salt is good.
T hese same people and others must
often restrict their cholesterol
must be pointed out that the
primary goal of
The Plain Truth
is to promote understanding, not
offer professional medica! advice.
Our articles are meant to point
t he way to overall health and hap–
piness. Ou r readers should be cog–
nizant of their own unique needs
andjor problems when evaluating
dietary information.
You are always to "glorify God in
your body" (1 Cor . 6:20) . We shou ld
strive not to eat t hings that we find
harmful to us individually (because
of allergies, for example) .
you 'd like sorne additional
information about the broad princi–
pies that God has set down to follow,
write for our booklets
Principies of
Healthful Living
The Seven
Laws of Success.
Developing a rational diet is only
one part of maintaining a sound,
zestful, happy life.
Just what is it?
Could you have already committed it?
sin that can't be forgiven ... is
there such a thing? Have
committed a sin that God won't for–
What do you
"The Unpardonable Sin"?
takes the mystery away from this
often misunderstood subject. Find
out where
really stand - send
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Unpardonable Sin"?
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