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Paradoxically, it seems that once one disease falls before medical science, new
and treatment-resistant afHictions spring up in its wake.
sity classroom, a completely differ–
ent view in the so-called health
food store and yet
from advertisements.
Why this Babylon of confusion?
Researchlng the Basic Cause
Scientists and home-grown nutri–
tion experts (no pun intended)
alike generally ignore a nd fo r
reject the basic sou rce of a ll
Consider this: if you had a fine–
ly tuned electronic device that you
needed to know more about, how
would you gather informat ion?
You would look for the brand
name of the device. Accordingly,
the directions accompanying it
would become your guide. Yet in
many respects, this is exactly the
opposite of what individuals do
with the question of nutrition .
Most people cut themselves off
from the only source of informa–
tion given from the Creator on the
subject of human nutrition . That
source is none other than your
Baslc lnformation
At Ambassador College, an institu–
tion affil iated with
The Plain
(campuses in Pasadena, Cal–
ifornia, and Big Sandy, Texas), the
faculty employs one basic precept
in disseminating information. This
precept is prominently inscribed on
one of the main college bui ldings:
"The Word of God is the founda–
tion of knowledge."
While the Bible is not a com–
plete textbook covering every sub–
ject in minute detail, God does pro–
vide the main principies that judge
all information.
In addition to providing infor–
mation for human behavior, the
Bible serves as a point of refer–
ence for our very thoughts and
reasoning processes. "My
thoughts ... saith the Lord. For
as the heavens are higher than
the earth, so are my ways higher
than your ways, and my thoughts
than your thoughts" (Jsa. 55:8-9).
What God calls for in evaluating
human, physical knowledge is that
we compare it to his standard! "To
the Jaw and to the testimony [re-
· vealed knowledge from God]: if
they speak not according to this
word, it is because there is no light
in them" (Isa. 8:20). But- "lt is
the glory of God to conceal a thing:
but the bonour of kings is to search
out a matter" (Prov. 25:2).
Therefore , when we pursue
nutritional information, we need to
make sure it follows and agrees
with the information revealed by
God first.
Let's look at some examples.
ls lt True, or-?
One prominent nutritionist claims
that an important key to maintain–
ing good health is the s trict avoid–
ance of fat and oil in our diet.
Researcbing this against the
Bible shows him to be
correct. God says:
shall be a
perpetua! statute for your genera–
tions throughout a ll your dwell–
ings, that ye eat neither fat nor
blood" (Lev. 3: 17) This shows
that we should trim the fat from
meat before eating.
more people
followed this guidance from God,
there would be less cardiovascular
disease arising from excessive cho–
lesterol intake. As heart disease
s tatistics prove, you ignore God's
health Jaws at your own risk.
But what does the Bible say
about olive oi l?
says a lot , partic–
ularly about the positive uses of
unrefined olive oi l as a source of
Kings 17:12, 14). In a
symbol ic history of Jerusalem, God
speaks of feeding His appointed
bride "fine ftour, and honey, and
oil" (Ezek. 16: 13). So from this we
can determine that oil (not the
petroleum kind of course) in a
s tate (not altered by chemicals
or unnecessary heat, as are hydro–
genated vegetable oi ls), is divinely
certified fit for human consump–
Another item regarded as on the
taboo list of sorne is milk. Certain
nutritionists allege that human
breast milk is fine for young babies,
but animal milk, particularly cow's
milk, is someth ing that ad ult
humans should not consume ,
whether it be in the form of cheese,
ice cream or whatever.
But when Abraham- the father
of the faith ful and the man whom
God praised as a righteous man
and a personal friend (J as.
2:23)- was visited by two angels
and the Being who was later to
become Jesus Christ, what did he
serve to them? "And he took but–
ter, and milk, and the calf [beef,
which sorne say you should never
eat) which he had dressed, and set
it befare them; and ... they did
eat" (Gen. 18:8). Yet sorne sup–
pose animal products are not to be
By inference then, we can see
here, and also by many other bib–
lical examples (Deut. 32: 14) , that
certain animal milk is available for
human consumption. In Proverbs
27:27 it is noted that goat's milk,
a food not normaJiy thought of as
a source of nutrition in
cles, is perfectly fit for consump–
tion! God also approves the con–
sumption of certain meats (Lev.
11 and Deut. 14) , which today
have also been recognized for
their value by medica! science.
(For an impo rtant key to good
health that millions are unaware
of, write immediately for our free
reprint , " l s All Animal Flesh
Good Food? " See inside cover for
Contrary to certain nutritionists,
the Bible also approves the use, in
temperate amounts, of honey and
alcoholic beverages.
lmportant Principie
But in addition to certifying foods
for human consumption, the Bible
also spells out another impor tant
principie relative to nutrition. Glut–
tony is condemned (Deut. 21 :20-
21; Luke 21 :34; 1 Pet. 4:3). And:
"Every man that strivetb for the