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DonaId D. Schroeder
Here are ways to improve and heal damaged relat.ionships between mates!
marriage as happy
as you want it to be? Or is
it troubled?
Did you know that a marriage
doesn't have to remai n perpetu–
ally locked in unhappy catego–
ries astutely labeled by one mar–
riage counselo r as the Spare–
Time Battlers, or the W eary
W ra ng lers, or the Gruesome
God never intended marriage to
be lhis way! Such marriages are the
result of breaking spiritual laws set
in motion by the Creator.
God established immutable spiri–
tual laws that, if obeyed , will pro–
duce happiness and love in marriage
as in all human relationships. Break
lhese dynamic living laws and we
guarantee marital unhappiness and
The Husb and-Wife Relation ship
God created humans male and
female. And for an incredible
lranscendent polential, little real–
ized. He created woman to be a
hel per and compan ion to ma n
(Gen. 2:
Few realize today the
December 1981
Almighty C realor ordained that
man shall rule over his wife and
properly lead her. But emphatically
not as an irate master unjustly and
cruelly ruling a slave.
This needs
There are two areas in the hus–
band-wi fe relationship. O ne, a
husband, as captain of a two-per–
son team, must call the signals.
But, on the othe r hand, there
must be teamwork. Where opin–
ions, ideas and preferences differ
they mus t be wisely, lovingly dis–
cussed on a basis of equality. For
a husband and wife are, indeed,
hei rs together of the grace and
kingdom of God (1 Pet. 3:7).
Damaging marital relations can–
not be solved if mar riage partners
forget the structure of government
God ordained in marriage. Society
is trying to play a game with 50-50
marriages; it doesr¡ ' t solve prob–
lems-it corilpounds them.
The leader of a marriage, the
husband, and the wife must nol act
in ways that antagonize the other
member. The husband should take
t he lead in resolving differences
and encouraging cooperation.
lsn't it time you learned or
recaptured the loving and heal ing
marital values and attiludes?
What are the wonderful atti–
tudes that lead mates to build each
other up instead of tearing down
each other? How should mates
approach each other to heal the
wounds of misunderstandings and
past mistakes?
How should mates communicale
feelings? Communicate needs lo
each other so both partners can
start to tackle their problems and
difficulties in a constructive way?
There is a way! Now is the time
to try anew to improve or, possibly,
lo save your marriage by expressing
these healing altitudes!
What are those wonderful alti–
Damaged marital relationships
need a posit ive fi rst step in lhe
right direct ion. Somebody has lo