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effect that the mind has upon the
body. A large part of the common
ailments of mankind are caused not
so much by the body, as by the
mind·. Ulcers, indigestion, head–
aches, eyestrain, nervousness and a
host of other ailments are often
found to be directly caused by the
condition of the mind, not the
Physical nourishment and care
alone are not enough. God inspired
Solomon to write in Proverbs
15:17: "Better is a dinner of herbs
where love is, than a stalled ox and
Haven't you known families who
engage in a "free-for-all-battle"
during nearly every meal? Perhaps
they are ignorant of the fact that
fighting, nagging and quarreling at
the table are almost certain to cause
nervous indigestion and other ail–
Few people today have the sense
of contentment and real peace of
mind upon which good health is
predicated. They need to learn to
relax, and to put living faith in God
to guide them in solving the little
problems that plague so many
This first requirement of good
health is something that people
who reject the knowledge of God
can never fully hope to achieve.
They may go to physicians and to
psychologists and psychiatrists with
their mental ills and fears. But it is
God alone who can give real peace
of mind. "And the peace of God,
which passeth all understanding,
shall keep your hearts and minds
through Christ Jesus" (Phi!.
And again, "A merry heart doeth
good like a medicine: but a broken
spirit drieth the bones" (Prov.
Jesus said, we are to take no
anxious thought for the morrow,
but put faith in God for each day
as it comes. Nearly all the really
successful people in the world
have a forward-looking, positive,
enthusiastic approach to life. They
dwell on what can be accom–
plished rather than on bad or
depressing news, or on problems
that "can't"
solved. Conscious–
ly or unconsciously, they build
this attitude into their lives.
The apostle Paul said: "I can do
all things through Christ which
strengthens me" (Phi!.
Learn to become a "can do" per–
son. Learn to be enthusiastic and
positive about life. Learn not to
allow your mind to dwell on neg–
ative or depressing thoughts.
You must learn to be in control
of your thoughts. By building a
positive and enthusiastic attitude,
you will be building a major part
of the foundation for radiant
2) Food and Fastlng
We are what we eat. The body is
formed from the foods we eat. Yet
the average person has very little
knowledge of what he really ought
to eat to build a strong, vigorous
the foods most of us eat were
fed to a rat, the rat would soon die
of starvation! Why? Many of the
products commonly called foods
are of little value in sustaining,
nourishing or building the body.
They often clog the digestive sys–
tem, aggravate it and become a real
burden for the body to 'eliminate.
In many cases, they act as if they
are poisons-not foods!
The basic thing to remember in
selecting foods is to be sure you eat
as natural foods as possible that
have been altered as little as possi–
ble in man-made "food" factories.
Take care that your food is prop–
erly prepared so as not to destroy
the body-building elements. Avoid
starchy, greasy, sugary concoctions
that may taste good at the moment,
but that contain little of nutritional
value and will in time wreck your
Remember the principie that
your foods should be natural
foods-as God caused them to
grow or be formed in nature.
These could include genuine
wbole grain breads (without pre–
servatives added) and cereals,
fresh fruits and fresh vegetables–
cooked at low temperatures so as·
to preserve their nutritional value,
lean meats ,cooked without excess
grease or fat, and dairy prod–
ucts- including certified raw milk
when possible.
Few people fully realize the con-
sequences caused by such "re–
fined" or "improved" products as
white bread, white sugar, canned
an4 heavily sweetened fruits and
vegetables and pasteurized milk,
when these are substituted for the
natural products that God intended
as food. So eat a balanced diet of
natural foods. And learn to prepare
all foods so as not to destroy their
nutritional value.
Under the heading of diet, we
should also consider the health val–
ue of water. Pure drinking water–
and plenty of it--is one of the
greatest aids to eliminating body
poisons and keeping the entire sys–
tem clean. It is an aid in preventing
or overcoming constipation- that
source of so many bodily ills. Doc–
tors have commonly recommended
a person drink six or so glasses of
pure water every day-preferably
between meals. Never use it to
wash your food down.
Greatly restricting one's diet is
known as fasting. The practice of
fasting as a health measure is as
old as the human race. Every ani–
mal when sick will refuse to eat.
It loses all appetite. Governed by
its instincts, it fasts until it is
well-a sure cure provided by
But what about humans?
Doctors and dieticians agree that
we humans are in the habit of eat–
ing more food than our bodies
food is used in excess of
bodily needs, it's bound to produce
a clogging up of the vital processes,
for if it is not needed it is invariably
harmful and becomes productive of
cause3 that lead to sickness and dis–
The greatest number of sick–
nesses are caused by the presence
of. a poison in the bloodstream.
. Fasting enables the body to cleanse
itself of the accumulation of the
products of an imperfect diet. As
food intake is\>retarded, elimination
proceeds rapidly and the body is
truly "housecleaning" itself.
For many, many common sick–
nesses such as colds, headaches,
fevers and stomach distress, fasting
is an effective and often the only
natural cure.
In a strictly health fast, water
only should
taken, or, in sorne