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Roderick C. Meredith
Isn' t it t ime we recaptured the zest, the bubbling energy and radiant
health intended by the Creator?
yo u-–
especia lly at the people,
their faces, their eyes,
the i r bodi es. How ma ny
radiate an energetic zest .and
joy fo r life? How many have
well-formed faces, a re strong
and vibrant?
W hat about you?
Are you bubbl i ng over with
energy and enthusiasm? Are you
free from pain and sickness? Do
you have the d r ive and consistent
good health to lead, to produce, to
accomplish- to fulfi ll the purpose
of you r life successfully?
Make no mis take!
Poor health can adversely affect
your job, your marriage, your social
Yo u r bod ily healt h g r eatly
affects your d rive and zeal- even
in spiritual matters. It affects you r
warmth and friendli ness- you r
whole personali ty. You simply
cannot afford to remain sick or
..below par" most of t he ti me.
You need to fi nd the cause of
sickness and the WAY to build
rad iant health.
Cause of lllness
People do not just happen to get
sick! T here is a cause for every
effect. And t here is a defini te
cause for all sickness, d isease and
Dttcember 1981
physical suffer ing that is so com–
mon in this modero world .
Wby, thén, are so many sick
We find the answer where most
people have never looked . Right in
your own Bible. There you will read,
in 1 Jobn 3:4, that sin is the trans–
gression of
T hat's the Bible def–
inition of sin. Spiritual sin is the
transgression of God's
spiritual law,
the law of )ove summed up in the
Ten Commandments. But there are
laws, too, that regulate
physical health. l f you break these
laws, or if tbey are accidentally
broken, it is a t ransgression of
and a penalty is exacted. T he penalty
is sickness-or physical suffering of
sorne kind.
When J esus Chris t healed the
sick, it was tbe forg iveness of phys–
ical sin. Not ice bow J esus healed a
man sick of the palsy (Luke 5: 18-
26). He said to the sick man on the
bed, ..Man, thy sins are forgiven
thee." Read this account carefu lly.
In healing the man, J esus forgave
tbe physical sins that had caused
the palsy.
The cause of sickness is the t rans–
gression of physical laws that God
has set in motion to govern the oper–
ation of ou r human bodies. These
laws are j ust as real as the law of
gravity, and the penalty for breaking
them is j ust as sure.
God has left it up to man to dis-
cover most of tbese laws. But God
does reveal t be basic principies we
should go by, and , in addition, He
specifically reveals those laws gov–
erning health which we would not
otherwise be able to learn. (See, for
example, Lev.
3: 17.)
Yes, God does wisb us all to
..prosper and be in health" ( l li
John 2). And through the apostle
Pau l, He commands us to "glorify
God in ou r bodies."
Usi ng the health principies in
God's revealed Word as a guide, and
utilizing the resul ts of man's obser–
vation and research into this subject,
we can learn the definite laws that
govern our physical health. By really
unders tanding and obeying these
laws, we can build the kind of
radiant health that will enable us to
live the kind of full , active and joyful
lives that God intended .
There is no excuse for feeling
and being only hal f alive! T he
mounting rate of sickness, suffering
and death clearly shows tbat this
world has lost the way to bealth–
the way to live. We need to learn
how to really live!
What, then are these pbysical
laws that affect our bodies-and
our lives- so much?
One of the least understood factors
governing health is the profound