will be difficult with a modern gen–
eration, drugged as it were, on
prosperity and deceived by the íllu–
sions of detente.
But as the threat to Europe's
very existence intensifies, there will
surely come calls for Germany to
fulfill once again its historie role as
a bulwark of Christian civilization
against the atheistic chaJlenge from
the East.
Time is short. For each week
tñat passes, one new SS-20 is added
to the Soviet arsenal.
The preferred an–
swer, says Mr.
Strauss in the
magazine interview,
is to "restore the va–
lidity of the American
security guarantee for
Europe by deploying
medium-range ballis–
tic missiles in Europe
itself.' '
delivery systems, such as cruise
" Third Force" Coming
The dim outJine of Europe's des–
tined future is becoming clear. For
decades- even before the conclu–
sion of the Second World War–
the editors of
The Plain Truth
have announced to readers that,
based upon history and biblical
prophecy-specifically the 13th
and 17th chapters of Revelation
(coupled with the book of Daniel,
As Flora Lewis, diplomatic cor–
respondent for the
puts it: "Europe may save
itself by sheer fright when
actual ly looks over the precipice it
has been approaching for years."
Ultlmatum to Moscow
if-Europe gets its
own independent nuclear strike
force, its future Ieaders will be able
at last to neutralize the threat from
the East.
At sucb a future time, the world
wi ll be stunned–
shades of 1939- to
hear of an unexpected
turn of events, a new
"nonaggressjon " pact
between a probable
German -l ed Europe
and an outwardly con–
trite Soviet Unio n.
(The Plain Truth
warned its readers
periodically of such a
future possibility.)
is absurd, Bavar–
ia's minister-presi–
dent claims, to expect
Americans to deter
the Russian SS-20s
targeted on Europe
by threatening to use
their intercontinental
strategic weapons
alone. In that case,
says Mr. Strauss, the
Americans risk a de–
struction of their own
country, "so that the
Europeans become
hostages and the
Americans are para-
Haig Jr. confers with West
German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt (right) and Foreign Minister Hans–
Dietrich Genscher. U.S. and European officials are confronted with a
rising public tide of neutralism in Western Europe.
A deal might be
struck to move back
the Iron Curtain to
Soviet borders in ex–
change for agreeing to
respective "spheres of
influence." These
spheres of influence
could extend even into
the Middle East (Dan.
In Europe itself, a
"deal" would un–
doubtedly involve the
breakup of N ATO
lyzed. "
Bavaria's strong man leaves no
doubt where he stands on this life–
or-death-for-Europe issue.
must be,"
he stresses,
"an ade–
quate counterforce on European
One gets the distinct impression
that if America can't provide this
"adequate counterforce," then Eu–
rope, or at least Germany, must do
it- somehow, sorne way!
Advanced nuclear technology is
present nearly everywhere in
Europe. Warheads already exist–
in the possession of the French
and British nuclear forces . All
that is lacking- which is consid–
erable-is access to sophisticated
chapters 2 and 7)- there would
eventually arise a powerful "third
force" in Europe, one last reconsti–
tution, in modern forro, of the
ancient Roman Empire.
For tJ;¡e past three decades the
nations of free Europe have inch by
inch coalesced into a common eco–
nomic bloc. But the ímpetus to go
beyond economics to political union
has ground to a halt, crippled by
national jealousies and suspicions.
The final union of Europe will
more likely be forged out of fear
that Europe's near two-millennia–
old Roman Catholic-based culture
is about to be trampled under the
heels of atheistic Soviet "scientific
social ism. "
and the forced removal of Ameri–
can forces from Europe- in ex–
change for a withdrawal of Red
Army forces to behind the Soviet
The way would be open not only
to reunite Germany, but to free
Russia's troublesome East Euro–
pean satellites. A new Europe
would arise out of East, West and
Central Europe.
The great image of Daniel 2 not
only has "10 toes," but of course
stands upon two fe.et. The coming
10-nation union might very well
consist of five nations
groups of
nations from Western Europe (pos–
sibly considering the Benelux coun-
(Continued on page 40)