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this end time, be again planted in
Jerusalem. God now reassures the
prophet that the throne wi ll rule
continuously over Israelites
that time.
will be the
dynasty. The Messiah
will sit on an existing throne!
" Here is the prophecy of what is
to happen at Christ's glorious com–
ing to rule: 'Behold, the days come,
saith the Eterna!, that I will per–
form that good thing which
promised unto the house of Israel
and to the house of Judah' (verse
14). Notice carefull y! This
of David's continuous dynasty is a
promise lo the
house of Israel,
well as to Judah. Since the division
into two nations, that throne had
not been connected with Israel–
only with J udah. But the promise
to be fu lfilled at Christ's coming
connects it with Israel as well as
"Cont inue: ' In those days, and at
that t ime, will 1 cause the Branch
of r ighteousness [the Messiah] to
grow up unto David; and he shal l
execute judgment and righteous–
ness in the land' (verse 15). This
speaks of Christ's rule as King of
kings. Jesus, a descendant of David
by human birth (Rom. 1:3), was
the righteous
or offshoot
of David .
"Continue: ' In those days shall
Judah be saved , and J erusalem
shall dwell safel y.... For thus
sai th the Eterna!; David shall never
want a man to sit upon the throne
of the house of Israel ' (verses 16-
17) . Note it! l t does not say David
shall not ,
after 2,500 years
without a man on the throne, want
for one.
says David shall NEV–
ER- at any time-th rough all gen–
erations- want for a descenda nt to
remain si tting on bis throne! ...
What People Say
"Continue: 'Considerest thou not
what this people have spoken, say–
ing, The two fami lies which the
Eterna! hath chosen, he hath even
cast them off? Thus they have
despised my people, that they
should be no more a nation before
them' (verse 24).
"That is what the
been saying, as they were prophe–
sied to say! T hey say the J ews were
scattered among many, if not all,
nations- scattered
October / November 1981
but no longer a nation having ·its
own government! And the Ten
Tribes were supposed to have been
' lost,' or to have gone out of exis–
tence, or to be jus t part of the scat–
tered individual Jews! Yes, so the
J ews themselves have said- and so
the world has said! But what does
Goo say?
"Continue, next verse: ' Thus
saith the Eterna!; If my covenant
be not with day and night, and if I
have not appointed the ordinances
of heaven and earth; then will
away the seed of Jacob, and David
my servant, so that J will not take
any of his seed [dynasty] to be
rulers over the seed of Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob: for 1 will cause
their captivity to return, and have
merey on them' (verses 25-26) .
The Test of B lble Tr uth
"Strong words, those! Unless you
can stop this old earth from turning
on its axis-unless you can remove
the sun and the moon and s tars
from heaven, says the Almighty,
you cannot prevent Him from
keeping His covenant to maintain
continuously. through al/ genera–
FOREVER, from the time of
David and Solomon, a descendant
of David in one continuous dynasty
on that throne!
"He would not necessarily rule
the house of Is rael, or the
Jews-but at least sorne of them,
and enough to form a nation.
be applied to mean
that there would not have been a
continuous throne, or that it applies
only to tbe 'one seed'- Christ–
finally coming to rule. Notice, it says
specifically, ' ... so that I will not
take any of bis seed to be RULERS
[more than one] over' lsrael ites. It is
speaking of cont inuous, multiple
rulers-not one Ruler coming to sit
on a throne that 2,500 years before
had ceased to exist!
David is plain and definite. Either
bis dynasty has continued and
exists today, rul ing over the house
of ISRAEL (not the J ews), or God's
Word fails!
" Remember again the sceptre
promise, which includes this line of
kings until it culminates in CHRIST
at His second coming: 'The sceptre
sha/1 not depart from Judah, nor a
[marg in , ruler's staff]
from between hisfeet, UNTIL
LOH (Christ) COME; and unto him
shal l the gathering of the people be'
(Genesis 49:10).
the sceptre departed from
the throne ceased? Or
does it , as God so bindingly prom–
ised, exist today so that Christ can
take over and sit upon a funct ion–
ing, cont inuous throne when He
"The infallibility of the Bible is
at s take! God 's Word is at s take!"
The above is quoted from my
United States and Britain in
A copy of this eye-open–
ing book will be sent gratis upon
reques t.
There you need to read how the
throne of King David of ancient
Is r ael carne to be in London
David's dynasty continued to
King Zedekiah of Judah. He was
taken captive to Babylon wbere he
died. All his sons died. But the
prophet J eremiah transplanted that
throne through a daughter (prin–
cess) of King Zedekiah in north
Ireland shortly after 585 a.c. She
married a king Herremon in direct
descendan t from Judah, son o f
J acob and father of the tribe of
Judah. That completed the over–
turn of the throne from Jerusalem
to Ireland .
was over t urned a sec–
ond time, later, and taken to Scot–
was overturned a third time
and removed to London. It shall be
overturned once more, at Christ's
coming as Ki ng of kings, a nd
removed to Jerusalem.
This was prophesied in Ezekiel
21:46-27., "Thus saith the Lord
God; Remove the diadem, and take
off the crown [from Zedekiab]: this
shall not be the same : exalt him
that is low [Her remon] , and abase
him that is high [Zedekiah]. I will
overturn, overtu rn, overturn , it:
and it shall be no more [over–
turned], until he [Christ] come
whose right it is; and 1 wi ll give it
him" (Ezekiel 21 :26-27).
That thro ne of England is
IMPORTANT in the eyes of Goo!
The recent royal wedding was
that of an heir to that throne–
provided Chris t does not come and
take it over before the Prince of
Wales inherits it. Few understood
the real significance of the recent
royal wedding. o