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Lead t he Family" by R.C. Meredith.
has been an inspiring article for
our family. 8oth my husband and 1
have read it severa! times and each
time get more out of it spiritually.
We so ofte n take each other for
granted and don' t think of the vital
knowledge of responsibility in our
marri age.
Arlene Bernard
Leyden, Massachusetts
My daughter and 1 both read the
article " How Husbands Should Lead
the Family." We were both very
impressed . My daughter is sending
that special article to one of her sons
to read .
Mrs. Earl Gardner
Safford, Arizona
The first issue 1 saw of the
was quite a coincidence. The
highlighted article concerned what is
wrong in marriages today. At that
same time my husband and 1 were
breaking up. 1 cannot say that the
article helped us mend our relation–
ship. But it did bring me (my hus–
band would not read it) to an under–
standing of what was missing in our
re lations hi p- true love and deep
Rebecca Draper
El Cajon, Cali fornia
1 would like to express my deepest
appreciation for the article entitled
" How Husbands Should Lead the
Family." As
am about to take the
role of being a husband, your article
has given me sorne insight on how a
husband should lead his family . 1
believe that if every young ma n and
men who have taken this role would
read this vital information, families
will become closer, and the world will
be a safer place in whicb to live.
Donald Berl
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
Thank you for Clayton Steep's
art icle concerning noi se pollution .
l 'm 22 years old, and 1 should be
enjoyi ng good health at my age.
lnstead, l 'm beginning to feel like an
exposed nerve. l 've found out that the
most irritating noises are completel y
unnecessary: barking dogs, blasting
stereos and undisciplined children.
People desperately need to be edu–
cated about noise, and your article
was a step in the right direction .
J ohn Schroeder
Arcadia, Californi a
October/ November 1981
You may not be aware of one inac–
curacy that appeared in the May
issue in the art icle on noise pollution.
The art icle gave db. ratings of various
items. The inaccuracy is "a motorcy–
cle at 50 feet, 100 to 11
1n order
to be street legal in the state of Cali–
fornia it can be a maximum of
dbs. There are a good number of
people, myself included, who have
spent many years in the motorcycle
industry- people who are responsi–
ble, law-abiding citizens. We find the
noisy 1 percent-ers as undesirable as
everyone else. We have tried to
" clean up" our image with the public.
db. requirement is one of the
many examples of the steps taken.
Roy T . Weaver
Corona, California
Volee Críes Out
" What and Why the Church" is
the most enlightening article l've
read for years and years. Everybody
should read it.
makes God real and
Edna Nelson
Goodland, Kansas
1 was reading your series "A Voice
Cries Out," when 1 got to the part
about us not being born again right
now. 1 was angry, mad, upset, scared
and of course, humiliated . No one
likes to hear they've been deceived.
Matter of fact 1 put your magazine
down and wouldn't read any more,
but 1 started searching the Bible
which 1 do when there is a question.
Even though 1 was angry 1 found you
clarified the truth about all this. 1
was really relieved .
Judy Taylor
Green Cove Springs, Florida
De-Sex the Bible
1 have a few constructive com–
ments on your article " De-Sexing the
Bible." Sexual perm issiveness is
growing among females. Women of
this world have males as examples.
After all, isn't the mate supposed to
be the leader or head? Leaders are
examples. l f men are cursing, drink–
ing, fornicating and getting away
with it, then women are going to fol–
low their example. Preachers have
sugar-coated and excused the prob–
lem by saying,
" It
is woman's place to
set the moral cl imate." lf men would
act the way God would have them to,
there would be less social problems in
this world.
Sherry Bogus
St. J oseph, T ennessee
Job Outlook
1 would like to extend a hearty
" BRAYO" to the author and staff for
the art icle " J ob Outlook in the World
Tomorrow." lt is often difficult for
young people to choose the proper
occupation. 1 am presently studying
at Duke University in North Carolina
and thanks to your edifying article, 1
am more competent of choosing a
proper occupation. 1 can now choose
a d iscipline which 1 may strive to
perfect in this world and
actual/y use
in the World T omorrow. Many
thanks for g ivi ng such valu able
Maurice Parks
Durham, North Carolina
Brltaln' s Royal Family
Picase accept my appreciation and
thanks for the splendid article " Brit–
ai n's Royal Family." Such under–
standing art icles do much to bring
peace to this troubled world .
Mrs. S. N. Levens
Rutherford, NJ
1 enj oyed the estimable article by
T he Honorable T . C. F. Prittie "The
Real Value of Britain's Royal Fami–
ly." One probably inadvertent error
was in the article.
stated " Prince
Charles' investiture was only the sec–
ond since 1616, and the only one in
this century to take place in Wales."
Prince Edward (later King Edward
VIII ) had his ir\vestiture at Caernar–
von Cast le in Wales in 1911. 1 have a
silver medal in commemoration of
the event.
Ro,bert O. McNiel
Roanoke, Virginia
The Honorable T.C.F. Prittie
and the editorial staff express their
appreciation for Mr. McNiel's cor–
rect observation.
1 enjoyed reading your excellent
article entitled "The Real Value of
Britain's Royal Family" in the June–
J ul y
edi tion of
The Plain
The British Royal Family
symbol izes unity at a time when the
United Kingdom truly needs to be
united. As for Prince Charles, 1 have
always considered him to be an excel–
lent spokesman for my generation.
When the t ime comes for him to be
King, 1 am sure that he will be an
outstanding Monarch. Long live the
Queen, and long live the British
Royal Family.
Steve Macl in
Lancaster, Texas