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What Our Readers Say
1 have just read your article in the
May [U.S.) edition of.
The Plain
about the origins of modern
education. Mr. Armstrong, your
statement about people attending col–
leges for four or five years and leav–
ing as a graduate of what l call an
aimless life has never made more
sense tome.
1 taught for a semester when 1
graduated. 1 had a knife fight my
first week. They heated metal pipes
the furnaces and attacked each
other. They left school whenever they
wanted. These were eighth grade stu–
dents on up the scale. The school
didn ' t care. The kids didn 't care. The
parents? Who knows? 1 never got to
meet more than perhaps two or three
College never taught me how to
have parent-homé conferences, how
to counsel, how to handle the kid in
the corner that's been on drugs so
long he can't remember his name,
how to handle uncooperative school
administration, how to cope with
other teachers that have the same
habits as the kids.
1quit; 1 moved. Then 1 taught four
and five year olds in essentially a gov–
ernment-funded day care. Discipline
was not allowed. Raising the voice
was not allowed. One of my five year
olds continually brought knives. A
small sample of tomorrow's public
school children: that's what 1 got a
glimpse of, and it still gives me night–
1 haq to write this. Maybe just
finally saying it all will help, tbinking
that someone out there heard me.
Mrs. Don Nagel
Marysville, Oklahoma
Behlnd Prlson Walls
1 am a prisoner in the Saskatche–
wan Penitentiary and watched your
program today for the fi rst time. lt
was a blessing to me. 1 enjoyed your
broadcast very much and would !ove
a copy of
The Four Horsemen of the
you can spare a min–
ute 1 would appreciate your prayer.
Even if you just pray once,
am sure
it would do a world of good.
Eugene Picard
Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
1 am a registered nurse in a psy–
chiatric hospital and found the article
on mental depression very informa–
tive and anxiousJy await the follow-up
article. 1 have found that God is the
answer and would ratber administer
Him than the pills 1 am now using. I
enjoy Mr. A rmstrong's TV pro–
Atice Cunningham, R .N.
Kings Park, New York
( would like to express my appre–
ciation to Donald Scbroeder for his
articles on fear and depression . 1
found the first very helpful and the
following ones even more so. They
are all very well researched and writ–
ten. My congratulations and thanks! 1
only hope others get as much from
them as 1 have.
Nevada, lowa
Would you please thank Donald D.
Schroeder on my behalf for bis arti–
cle "Finding a Way Out of Fear and
had been feeling that 1
was reaching my
breaking point
health problems. After reading bis
article, 1 realized 1 was focusing on
the wrong values. And, if 1 trust in
God's resources i·nstead of my own, 1
have no reason to fear any other prob–
lems. Thank you for helping to
restore my peace of mind. 1 have
already reviewed the article a second
time. This article is just one more
example of the outstanding quality of
your information.
Thomas C. Wise
Denver, Colorado
May 1 take this opportunity to say
what a clearly readable and precise
magazine 1 find
Thé Plain Truth
be. In particular the recent article on
"Fear and Depression" made me
somehow perceive exactly what was
wrong with my attitude to part of my
life. l'd like to finish by saying that I
trust sorne other readers in a like
position to my own also derived com–
Peter R. Tanner
1 would like to take this opportuni–
ty to thank you for your courageous
and forthright article "What Price
Your Birthright?"
was a very real–
istic and objective vicw of the battle
between the traditional family and
materialism. Please continue your
work of- research and writings along
this crucial subject.
Michael Jameson
El Cajon, Ca.lifornia
1 just had to write and express my
appreciation for that lovely article by
Sheila Graham "Whatever Happened
to Old-Fashioned Parents?" 1 was
moved to tears when l read that ten–
der art icle and realized just how
much people are missing, with shack–
ing-up marriages. 1 believe whole–
heartedly that the Bible is an essen–
tial part of family life. Parents should
teach children of God's !ove and
instill high moral values in them. 1
believe in the old-fashioned family
parents and hope one day when 1
have children that 1'11 teach them
effectively with God's guidebook, the
Miss Jru:!ra Ragoonanan
Trinidad, West lndies
1 would like to express my deepest
appreciation to the staff on the article
en titled "How Husbands S hould