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Nation That Sets an Example
John Ross Schroeder
is not often we present this kind of article to our readers. We thought
you should know the story of a special nation in Africa.
parts of
Africa famine
has brought sim–
ple existence to a
knife-edge of sur–
viva!. The promise
of her e normous
amol,Jnt of natural
resources has been
drought , in terna–
t ional intrigue, tri–
bal and racial
strife and political
ineptitude. Many
severe disappoint–
ments are besetting
this continent of
faded dreams.
On such a conti–
nent and in such a
wo rld , how co uld
Swaziland, one of the
smallest countries in
southern Africa, play
any part in modern
thi nking?
edge its stability will
long continue" (Prov–
erbs 28:2, RSV). That
is why Swaziland con–
tinues to be the most
consistently stable
country in Africa.
But our story does
not end here. One's
ruling philosophy is
much more important
than mere length of
reign. When the
Editor in
Chief Herbert W.
Armstrong visited
King Sobhuza 11 sorne
time ago, he found the
King firmly believes
that strife and commo–
tions do not do any–
body any good. H e
believes in cooperation
and coexistence be–
tween nations and
neighbors. His Minis–
ter of Agriculture,
A.K. Hlophe has said:
For one thing the
King of Swaziland is
the world's Iongest
HIS MAJESTY King Sobhuza 11 ce/ebrates 60 years on the throne of
"We are all human
beings made by Al–
mighty God; as each
organ in the human
body has a function, so
has .each human being
in the world."
re igning monarch -
clocking up 60 years on the throne.
H.M. King Sobhuza II celebrated
his Diamond Jubilee early thís
autumn. lt is an anomaly anda par–
adox that such a long-reigning king
November 1981
could be on a continent better
known for its
coups d'etat.
proverb says: "When a land trans–
gresses it has many rulers; but with
men of understanding
and knowl-
S ince the various
organs in the human body do not
fight and compete with one anoth–
er , the obvious implication is that
men and nations, whatever their
ethnic origins, should help and