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young men-and all peoples-in
every generation if there were no
war. They would not have to inter–
rupt their education and fami ly li fe
to go off and be taught to hate,
fight and kili. Hundreds of thou–
sands of them would live-instead
of die-and be able to have normal
families and children. Additional
millions would not have to be
deformed and crippled for the rest
of their natural lives as a result of
war-related injur ies.
Thinking men deeply and fer–
vently realize the whole war syn–
drome is almost like a civilized
form of insanity. Yet all the reason–
ings, all the philosophies, all the
leagues among nations and treaties
of men have been unable to stop
war. Only when mankind comes to
know and deeply fear-reverently
respect-the God of the Bible and
His command against war, will this
continuing t ragedy come to a final
the world could merely be lib–
erated from this one tragedy–
war-what an outftowi ng of bless–
ings and what peace of mind there
would be!
Remember that Jesus' statement
did not merely tell us to quit killing
one another. He said, "Love your ene-
mies ... do good to them that hate
you...." Often, we forget to empha-
size this aspect of God's perfect " Iaw
of liberty." Instead of merely think–
ing, " Don' t ki li ," let's begin to think
" How can
help my neighbor
live?"-that is, Jive a truly full, abun–
dant and meaningfullife.
.What a bout your neighbor
whose lawn mower won't work
you have the abili ty to
repair it , why not volunteer your
services instead of smil ing to your–
self as you watch him fussing and
fuming in despair?
What about the grumpy waitress
who won't bring your wate r
because she is frustrated and over–
worked? Could you be understand–
ing and perhaps try to cheer her
up? Do you realize that in our
mixed-up society, she may very
well be a woman who has been
deserted by her husband, is having
to support two or three little chil–
dren and is now half way through
her second job during a 16-hour
work day in order to keep her frag–
mented family together?
Jesus said,
is more blessed to
give than to receive" (Acts 20:35).
In following the positive expression
of the sixth command, do you try to
give life, love and happiness as you
go along?
all of us did, think of
the peace, the joys, the deep and
lasting friendships and the fantastic
liberty of freedom from frustration,
fear, loneliness and apathy that we
would all enjoy.
T his is the ultimate liberty of
which God speaks!
Are you willing to recognize the
T en Commandments for what they
are-a fantastic expression of love
and concern from the Creator of
your mind and human emotions?
Are you will ing to surrender your
life to the true J esus Christ of the
Bible, who magnified these laws so
wonderfully? Of course, you will
be able to obey the intent and pur–
pose of God's law only if Jesus
Christ, through His Spirit, is living
within you (John 15:5).
World Government Based on
True Liberty
will not be many years befare a
government will be established on
this earth based upon these very
laws. "But in the last days it shall
come to pass, that the mountain of
the house of the Lord shall be
established in the top of the moun–
tains, and it shall be exalted above
the hills; and people shall ftow unto
it. And many nations shall come,
and say, Come, and Jet us go up to
the mountain of the Lord, and to
the house of the God of J acob; and
he will teach us of his ways, and we
will walk in his paths: for the law
shall go forth of Zion, and the word
of t he Lord f rom J erusalem"
(Micah 4:1-2) .
Yes, this "law of Jiberty" will be
the foundat ion for the rule of Jesus
Christ in the soon-coming World
Tomorrow. Men willlearn to serve,
to help and to give to one another
as God's law instructs.
What a day it will be!
Among other things, men shall
not " learn war any more" (Micah
4: 3). The Creator will e ven
remove the wild and vicious
nature from all creatures at that
time (lsaiah 11 :6-9).
How Man Should Llve wlth
His Neighbors
Again notice Isaiah 32:2: "And a
man shall be as an hiding place
from the wind , and a covert from
the tempest. ..." This expresses
very poetically-if we make allow–
ances for tbe English translation of
1611-the love, the protectiveness
and the kindness we can expect
from fellow human beings in the
World Tomorrow.
In the coming World Tomor–
row- guided by the "law of liber–
ty"-when a little girl meets aman
on a lonely street or out in tbe
woods, he will be to her as a " hid–
ing place" or a "covert" from the
she has fallen down or
is lost, he will help her and, if need
be, bring her borne again.
In that day, our wives and
daughters-and we ourselves-will
have a feeling of safety, security
and outgoing warmth toward our
fellow man, a feeling that is rare
indeed in the society in which we
Jive today.
Th e leadi ng nation in th e
world will be a " land of unwalled
villages ... having ne ither bars
nor gates" (Ezekiel 38:11). Just
th ink, no more robbery, no more
rape and, conseque ntly, no more
locks, bars, gates, secu rity
guards, policemen o r defense
establishments. Neighbors, as in
Isaiah 32, wi ll be willing to help
and serve and protect others fróm
accidents. Wbat a different world
that will be!
Then, and only then, will the
whole world be truly liberated.
will be liberated, not by screaming
fanatics, but when all nations and
all men learn there is a living God
and start fas bioning their lives
according to tbe law of liberty
revealed in His Word.
Meanwhi le, you have your
chance todo it now and become–
through Christ in you-a ruler in
that soon-coming world.
Write for your free copy of our
vital booklet
The Ten Command–
Learn more about how to
live tbe way all the world wi ll soon
be living. o