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knowledge and systems of educa–
t ion for 6,000 years."
But God did reserve the preroga–
tive to INTERVENE when and where
necessary for Hrs PURPOSE. God
trying to ..SAVE the world"
spiritually. Those uncalled by God
throughout history were neither
lost nor saved- YET!
The FEW who received salvation
and begettal of ETERNAL LIFE were
called and chosen by God. Noah
did not seek out God and beg for
salvation- God CALLEO NOAH.
The same is true for Abra ham,
Moses, the prophets of Is rael. The
offered spiritual salvation- but
ONLY physical, material and nation-
al benefits for obedience.
coming KrNGDOM OF Goo-to be
ushered in AFTER man's 6,000-year
SENTENCE had ended. Jesus called
and taught His disciples His mes–
sage of H1s KINGOOM; He sacri–
ficed Himself for us; His apostles
went out proclaiming the GOOO
NEWS. Ch ri st "added to th e
church" as many converted Chris–
tians as needed to stand back of
the apos tles, in diligent and ear–
nest prayer, in encouragement , in
tithes and offerings. In their own
lives, they were to overcome Satan
and Satan's WAYS and thus qualify
to help Christ govern the world in
the Kingdom of God-after the
6,000 years ( Rev elation 3:21;
During this 6,000 years God has
called no one to spiritual salvation
except those He called to back up
the apostles getting out the gospel;
they were also called to qualify, by
overcoming Satan, to sit with
Christ on H is throne in the King–
dom of God.
The NEW world tomorrow is
going to come IN OUR TIME! But
remember, it won' t become utopía
al/ at once.
When the Supreme
Ruler, Jesus Christ , comes again
to earth a lready
as Kr NG
of kings, in all the vast POWER
ANO GLORY of Almighty God ,
nations actually will resist Him at
firs t. He is coming to rule by
divine FORCE. How ironic that the
nations will have to be FORCEO to
be happy, prosperous, physicall y
fit and well, living abundantly and
How Utopla Wlll Come
But now let's be specific! Let's see
tomorrow's utopía is to be
ushered in. Remember, this won–
derfu l world-s tat e will not be
achieved all at once.
Every major step of these soon–
coming events is laid bare before
our eyes in biblical PROPHECY.
The same J esus C hrist who
walked over the hills and valleys of
the Holy Land and the streets of
J erusalem more than 1,900 years
ago is coming again! He
would come again. After He was
crucified, .God raised Him from the
dead after three days and three
Christ will be here in
person. The government
will be government of
/ove. Peop/e will begin to
/ove one another- to help
one another. The
government of the
Kingdom of God will
bring world peace.
' '
nights (Matthew 12:40; Acts 2:32;
1 Corinthians 15:3-4). He ascended
to the throne of God, headquarters
of the government of the universe
(Acts 1:9- 11 ; Hebrews 1:3; 8: 1;
10: 12; Revelation 3:21).
He is the "nobleman" of the par–
able, whowent tothe throneofGod–
the "far country"-to be coronated as
KING of kings over all nations, and
then to return to earth (compare
Luke 19: 11-27). He is in heaven until
the "times of restitution of all things"
(Acts 3:19-21). " Rest itution" means
restoring to a former state or condi–
tion- in this case, restoring Goo's
GOVERNMENT to earth, and thus,
restoring WORLO PEACE and utopian
Present world turmoi l, escalating
war and contentions, will clímax in
world trouble so great that, unless
God intervenes, no human nesh
would be saved a1ive (Matthew
24:22). At its very clímax, when
delay would result in blast ing all
life from off this planet, J esus
Christ will RETURN! This time H e
is coming as divine Goo! He is
coming in all the POWER and GLO–
RY of the universe-ruling Creator!
(Matthew 24:30 , 25:31.) He is
coming as Kr NG of kings and LoRo
of lords ( Revelation 19: 16) to
MENT and rule al! nations " with a
rod of iron" (Revelation 19: 15;
12:5) .
All crime and organized rebel–
lion wi ll be put down by FORCE–
divine supernatural force . Christ
wi ll then set His hand to reeducate
and to "save" or spiritually convert
the world.
THI NK OF IT! The glorified
CHRIST-coming in all the splen–
dor, the supernatural POWER and
coming to
mankind al ive; com–
ing to STOP escalating wars, nuclear
mass destruction, human pain and
s uffering; comi ng to u sher in
PEACE, abundant well-being, happi–
ness and JOY for al l mankind!
Resurrected Saints
As the resurrected Christ ascended
to heaven in the clouds, so H e shall
return to earth in the clouds (Acts
1:9- 11 ; Matthew 24:30).
Just as
He is returning (1 Thessalonians
4:14-17) , the dead in Christ- those
who have received and been led by
God's Holy Spirit (Romans 8:11,
14), including all the prophets of
o1d (Luke 13:28)- will rise in a
gigant ic RESURRECTION a nd be
made IMMORTAL. Those then living
who have the Spiri t of God shall be
from mor–
tal to immort al ( 1 Corinthia ns
15:50-54) , and, together with those
resur rected, shall rise to meet the
d escendi n g glo rified Ch ri st
Thessalonians 4: 17) in t he
clouds in the air. They shall be wi th
Him fo rever (John 14:3). They
shall - with Him-come
clown out
of the clouds and stand
with Him,
(Continued on page 35)