(Continued from page 18}
problem. T here is another side to
the story.
Physiological research indicates
t hat certai n areas deep wi th in
man's mind are centers of aggres–
sion. While it is t rue that violence
is learned in the home, on the street
and from the media, the potential
for rebellion is apparently already
present in the psychological con–
struction of human beings. Al–
though a child is
inherently evil
from birth, the potential for evil
most cer tainly comes into his mind
at an early date. Of course, this
tendency can either be cont rolled
or amplified by early environmen–
tal factors such as positive parental
teaching or the lack of it.
The Bible brings out sorne of
these basic truths. The psalmist
expresses it in a poetic manner:
"The wicked are estranged from
the womb: they go astray as soon as
they be boro, s peaking lies"
(Psalms 58:3). The Old Testament
prophet Jeremiah puts it another
way. "The heart is deceitful above
all things: who can know it?" (Jere–
miah 17:9)
This same fundamental truth is
reiterated in the New Testament
by the apostle Paul. "The carnal
mind is enmity against God: for it
is not subject to the law of God,
neither indeed can be" (Romans
8:7). But is this basic problem
rooted in the genetic makeup of the
human brain and thereby inherited
from our parents, or is there anoth–
er explanation?
T he Unseen Answ e r
Mankind has been unwittingly
influenced by a great and powerful
spirit being called Satan who
pumps bis evil attitudes and
impulses into our individual minds.
The apostle Paul explains how in
hi s letter to the Ephesians:
"Wherein in time past ye walked
according to the course of this
world, according to the prince of
the power of the air [Satan],
spirit that now worketh in the chil–
dren of disobedience.
whom we also had our conversation
[conduct] in times past in the lust
of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of
the ftesh and of the mind; and were
by nature the children of wrath,
even as others" (Ephesians 2:2-3).
This basic truth is further
explained in our attractively
printed article entitled, " Human
Nature-Did God Create it ?" We
have never reprinted a more impor–
tant article when it comes to deter–
mining the root cause of all that is
hostile within humankind. Picase
request your copy of this intriguing
art icle by title.
The fundamental solution to the
London crime problem or any
crime problem anywhere is for each
human being to learn to domínate,
sublimate and control the wrong
impulses being fed into bis mind by
the unrealized presence of a great
fallen angel known as Satan the
devil. So much the better if right
teaching countering Satan's in–
fluences begins almost from birth.
Greatly blessed is the man or
woman who has been taught to
observe the Ten Commandments
almost from infancy.
Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini,
J oseph Goebbels and Adolph Eich–
mann were all babies at one time.
Could their parents have been con–
vinced that one day they would so
tragically affect the world? The
proverb says: " Train up [or "edu–
cate"] a child in the way he should
go: and when he is old, he will not
depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).
Do you believe that proverb? To
the degree that you heed and
implement Solomon's advice here
is the degree that you assure your
children do not wind up as law–
breaking juveniles who are not only
a menace to society, but also to
And do you know how to apply
the basic Ten Commandment law
governing human conduct to all
arcas of your life?
not , you
should not delay to write for our
free booklet simply titled
The Ten
This booklet sets
out in detail and explains plainly
this inexorable living law of God–
soon to become the basic code of
conduct for the peaceful, prosper–
ous, cr imeless, wonderful world
tomor row.
(Continued from page 16)
glected theirs also. Both parents are
needed to effectively support each
other and properly train their chil–
dren. What happens if they don't?
Each generation improperly
loved and disciplined comprehends
less and less of what decency, good–
ness and affection means, of what
right relationships-especially a
right marriage and family- a re.
Eventually, more youths have liHle
or no compassion, no caring feel–
ings for others but themselves.
They feel they become somebody
only if they dehumanize another
human being.
T he cause of spiraling crime and
violence is the failure of bornes,
scbools, churches and government
leaders to teach the law of "love your
neighbor as yourself" (Leviticus
19:18; Matthew 19:19). Compound–
ing the problem is widespread viola–
tion of another important biblical
principie: "Because sentence against
an evil work is not executed
therefore the heart of the sons of men
is fully set in them todo evil" (Eccle–
siastes 8:1 1).
Criminals need to know punish–
ment for a crime will be sure and
quick. But today it is not. Criminal
youths are often caught for serious
crimes only to be quickly spewed
back onto the streets by juvenile
justice systems never set up to han–
die large numbers of hardened
vicious criminals. What deterrent is
there for a young lawbreaker if he
is considered a "hero" by peers for
"beating the system"?
Contrast this to the swift punish–
ment of incorrigibles laid out in
Deuteronomy 21:18-21.
l f the Famlly Fa lla
In 1963, Herbert T. Jenkins, chief
of police of Atlanta, clearly
answered the question of why chil–
d ren become delinquents. Listen to
his words:
"In my 30 years of experience, 1
have come to the conclusion that
the lack of discipline and self-disci–
pline are the major roots of all
crime. If the family fails lo disci–
pline a youngster, thereby instilling