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settled frameworks and comfor table
life patterns are fast disappearing.
People have lost their moorings.
They don' t know where they fit any–
But Britain's real problems are
The Fallure of Rellgious
l t has been said (and with much
accuracy) that a crisis of. the spi rit
must have an answer of the spirit.
Nat ional decay that has its roots in
moral betrayaJ is essentially in the
realm of religion. And religion is
not popular in Britain today, that
is, unless one is speaking of the
many forms of occultism.
Britons are t urned off of s tate
religion. Britain especia lly- and
the Wes t in general- is a secular
society and therein lies our prob–
lem. We have forgotten the God
who made us. We have accepted,
a lmost wit hout q uestion, the
word of those who would tell us
that biblical revelation is not for
us today.
The riots in Liverpool and Lon–
September, 1981
don should be grim reminders of
our unsolved spi ri tual problems.
They should set us to asking sorne
basic questions about the Bi ble.
Could the Bible be an up-to-date
book with its fi nger on the pulse of
today's happenings? Why d id man
come to be as he is- so seemingly
intelligent, yet so utterly helpless
before his own social, ethical and
moral problems? What is wrong
with a religion significant only at
t he time of birth, bapt ism and
You owe it to yourself to open
your eyes to what is wri tten in the
pages of the Bible. I t claims to
identify the spi ritual causes of vio–
lent crime and other social prob–
lems presently plaguing the indus–
t r ia l d e mocrac ies. A nd more
impor tantly, the Bible claims to
possess the long-range solutions
that will be put into force and
effect to solve all these societal
Violent c ri me will pass into the
pages of history only when God
intervenes in human affairs to set
up H is government ove r a ll
Youths confront po/ice in Toxteth. /eft. as
commercial enterprises go up in ffames.
Fireman puts out smoldering ruins in Brix·
ton, center, and, above, Londoners sur·
vey Brixton's ruins after riots. Economía
and racial stress are two of many causes
of summer strife in Britain. In most major
metropolitan areas. youths. many on
drugs, are in social upheaval from a
breakdown in home and fami/y life. The
worseníng trend began in the 1950s with
the Teddy Boys and continued into the
seventies with the Punks. Today many
are white teenage Skinheads who seek
to escape from the jobless misery and
broken homes of the present, but do not
know how to direct their minds and ener·
gies into constructive channels.
nat ions. Hostili ty between human
beings wi ll then become a thing
of the past. Indeed the time wi ll
come when "They shall
nor dest roy in a ll my holy moun–
tain; for the ear th shaJI be full of
the knowledge of the Lord as the
waters cover the sea." T hat is the
good news we announce in the
pages of
The Plain Truth.