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ever-increasing human decadence?
Mankind is comparable to the
one who purchased a technically
designed instrument, but was
unable to operate it because he
ignored the manufacturer's opera–
tion manual. The human mind and
body is the most perfectly designed
mechanism ever produced from
ear thly material substance. Our
Maker sent along with his product
his operation manual. But this
world's bestseller has been the most
ignored , distorted, false ly inter–
preted and least understood of all
A Cause for Every Effect
There has to be a CAUSE for every
effect. What was th e original
CAUSE for all the world's seemi ngly
insolvable troubles? This CAUSE has
been utterly overlooked by modern
science. lt is unknown in modern
higher education.
has been care–
lessly glossed over by even the tra–
ditional Christian religion, and is
unknown to other rel igions.
The CAUSE of all troubles in your
life and mine and in the world
today originated in the incident of
the forbidden fruit in the garden of
Eden! lt all began with the begin–
ning of MANKINO! And even the
true Church of God in this 20th
century has not fully understood it
until now!
What if Adam had taken of the
tree of LJFE? Ever wonder about
Ah!- that would have made allthe
difference! There would have been no
national governments today. No mili–
tary establishments consuming the
time of millions of soldiers. No vio–
lence. No wars. An entirely different
educational system. A different busi–
ness and commercial world. No
tobacco industry. No need for doc–
tors, nurses, hospitals and their staffs
to treat today's host of illnesses. No
police forces, jails and prisons. Mil–
lions released for more productive,
useful occupations. Yes, THINKOF IT!
would be no universal discontent,
unhappiness, frustrated lives. There
would be peace everywhe re–
between nations, groups, families and
individuals. Abundance everywhere
for joy-packed lives filled with inter–
est, eager anticipation for a wonderful
eternity ahead!
Sound impossible? Why should
it? There was a CAUSE for existing
conditions. There would have been
a CAUSE for the happier state!
This matter of basic CAUSES has
eluded tbe knowledge production
of man .
has never been under–
stood by modern science.
has not
been recogni zed by education .
Religion has remained in ignorance
of this mystery of the ages! Yet it
has been faithfully recorded and
preserved for us who will to
So now look closer at what did
This matter of basic
causes has eluded the
knowledge production of
man.... Yet it has been
faithfully recorded and
preserved for us who will
to understand!
' '
happen , what actually caused
effects in your life and mine, and
what the immediate future now
holds for us all.
The turning point in
began in that forbidden fruit inci–
dent! lt's time you UNOERSTANO!
Source of Life
God is the source of all LJFE. But he
did not give mankind LIFE- not
yet! Everything began with Goo.
And of all the religions on earth–
including traditional Christianity–
not one knows
is! More, not one knows
man is! Yet the Designer and
Maker of this most intricately
designed mechanism we call MAN
reveals himself in man's inst ruction
manual he gave us!
In order of time sequence the
first revelation of
God is found in John 1:1, " In the
begi nning was the Word." This
"Word" was a personage, eternally
self-existe nt. He was "without
father, without mother, witbout
descent , having neither beginning
of days, nor end of life" (Hebrews
7:3). "The Word was with God"
(John 1:1). God was another per–
sonal immortal Being. "And the
Word was God." The Personage
here named "the Word" was also
God. " AII things were made by
him. In him was LIFE." In verse 14,
same chapter, " the Word was made
flesh and dwelt among us"-in
other words, fathered by God,
became by human birth, Jesus
But of what was God composed?
"God is Spirit" (J ohn 4:24, RSV).
God is composed of Spirit, not of
mortal flesh from the ground of the
earth. God has LIFE inherent. He is
the source of all life.
Now see how he is described in
Genesis l : l, " In the beginning God
created ..." Moses wrote these
words originally in Hebrew. The
Hebrew word translated " God" is
a uniplural noun like fami-
1y, church or group. One fami ly
consisting of more than one person.
eternity of the "Word" and God–
two Spirit-composed personages,
forming one God, since the Word
also was God.
In Genesis 1:26 God said, "Let
us make man in our image, after
our likeness." Not "Let me, after
my likeness." God had made ani–
mals after
kind-cattle after
the cattle kind (verses 24-25), ele–
phants after the elepbant kind.
But he made man after the Goo
kind! That is, as to form a nd
shape- but not as to composition,
because God "formed man of the
dust of the ground, and breathed
into his nostrils the breath of life;
and man became a living [not
immortal] soul" (Genesis 2:7).
Like animals, man was made an ai r–
breathing being. Like animals, his
temporary physical existence carne
from air and circulation of blood,
fueled by food and water from the
But man is not an animal. There
are two main differences: 1) man
(Continu.ed on page 26)