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Why Humanity
Cannot Solve Its Evils
Herbert W. Armstrong
Today nuclear weapons threaten human extinction.
we lack the
know-how to solve
orld troubles - or
even problems between
Scientists have said, "Given suf–
ficient knowledge, we will salve al!
problems, remove al! human evils."
1n the decade of the sixties, Dr.
Clark Kerr, president of the Uni–
versity of California, Berkeley, said
the modern university is a fac–
tory-manufacturing knowledge.
In that decade the world's fund of
knowledge doubled-but world
troubles doubled also! The newly
produced knowledge did not cause
the increased troubles, but neither
did it cure them.
Knowledge in modern science,
technology, industry and government
September, 1981
WHY? What happens now?
This is one oj the most important
articles Mr. Armstrong has ever
written. The reader
advised to
carefully read every scripture quo–
tation given.
The Bible is unlike any other
book. Like a jigsaw puzzle, it is
made up oj thousands oj pieces.
When put together properly, each
piece construed according
intended meaning in its own con–
text, it presents a perfect picture oj
God's overaJJ purpose, and his
Master Planfor its accomplishment
through mortal man.
This article deeply concerns the
personal lije today oj every reader.
has produced awesome achievements.
A Lincoln, Emerson or Vanderbilt,
suddenly coming back to life today
would be astounded! But also be
would be appalled to see the immoral–
ity, violence and evils that have multi–
plied human unhappiness and suffer-
ing. And he would be shocked into
consternation to learn that nuclear
and other weapons of mass destruc–
tion have been produced that now
threaten to erase al! humanity from
the earth!
During the past century the the–
ory of evolution has become the
universally accepted concept
through which knowledge has been
produced. Evolution is the explana–
tion of the natural mind for the
existence of a creation without the
preexistence of an intelligent and
all-powerful Creator. But what has
been its fruits?
Human knowledge production
has led the way through discontent,
unhappiness, violence, war, human
suffering, to near-approaching ex–
termination of humanity by hu–
the paradox of astonish–
ing materialistic progress ami d