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Promiscuity's Latest Penalty
Donald D. Schroeder
More than 20- not just two-sexually transmissible diseases are out of control.
You can't afford to be uninformed if you
want to protect yourself, your children or your loved ones!
hy are
m il-
I ion s
hush-hush or ig–
norant about the
number one
ous commumca–
ble disease prob–
lem of our age?
als this year will
develop the discom–
forting if not painful
blisters of genital
herpes. These men–
tally and physically
tormented thou–
sands will add to an
estimated five to fif–
.. teen million Ameri–
cans who already
have the incurable
Yes, incurable.
Like many other
virus-caused di s–
eases, symptoms of
Suddenly- in
just the past few
yea r s- publ ic
health officials in
rnany nations have
come to realize
syph ili s and gonor–
rhea are not al–
ways the rnost fre–
PAINFUL LESIONS of herpes are usual/y type 1, but now venereal
herpes, type 2, are proliferating with more serious consequences.
herpes infection s
can be treated and
sometí mes alle-
t ,
or always the rnost seri–
ous, of sexually transmissible
Here is what they are find–
ing- and why!
One of the newest and most
devastating of the new plagues is
" Herpes-the new sexual
leprosy- infects millions with
disease and despair ," reported an
interoational weekly news maga–
zine recently. " 1 regard myself as
a carrier of an invisible, incurable
disease," lamented one victim
quoted in this article. " I have a
guilt trip that won't go away."
Said another victim, " l've had
this rotten, cursed thing for two
years and can't shake it. My mar–
riage has been ruined, my confi–
dence shaken and l'm afraid to
establ ish a new relationsh ip. "
Another couple laments, "We
want to start a famil y, but the
doctor says we ' ll be taking a
chance. "
In the United States alone,
more than half a mi Ilion individu-
viated. But once you
virus you have it for the
rest of your life. And you suffer
períodic infectious outbreaks of
the painful blisters.
much of one's social life," say
many vict ims.
magazine on
this problem: " With the sexual
revolution of the 1960s, herpes
broke out of its confines as a
venereal disease that was thought
(incorrectly) to affiict only the
'licentious' lower classes. Sudden–
ly, 'viruses of love' infected entire
college dormitories and rode the