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(Continued from page 20)
are not totally committed to each
T he fact is, because of this lack
of ultimate commitment the rate
of living-together breakups is
high, much higher than the
divorce rate of married couples.
The emotional impact of those
breakups is just as mentally
stressing. Living together couples
have the very same problems
married couples have, but with
the added disadvantage of lack of
full commitment, financially, sex–
ually, and every other way.
Married couples are more like–
ly to want to solve their problems.
Living-together couples are less
likely to be able to.
Dr. Nancy Clatworthy's con–
clusion is that a couple is "better
off marrying." Concerning living
together , she says:
"Knowing that something is
temporary affects the degree of
commitment to it. l f you are
going to make the identica l
investments in living together
that you would make in mar–
riage-investments of time, mon–
ey, emotion, and social relation–
ships-knowing the situation is
temporary but hoping that it is
not, you are bound to be disap–
What God Says
T he penal ties of sex ou tside of
marriage are far reaching, often
permanently scarring, physically
and mentally. More than that, sex
outside the boundaries of mar–
riage is absolutely contrary to the
higher laws of Almighty God.
God !oves human beings. God
did not create humans to act like
animals, mating here and there,
with any and everybody. God
ordained sexual relationships to
be marriage relationships, family
relationships. Sex is for marriage
In the beginning God brought
the first man and woman together
and unequivocally gave this com–
mand: " Therefore shall a man
leave his father and mother and
shall cleave unto his wife: and
they shall be one flesh" (Genesis
One of the Ten Command–
ments protects sex in marriage
(Exodus 20:14). Sin includes the
transgression of that point of
God's law. Sin brings heartaches
and sorrows. But keeping God's
law brings happiness.
Jesus even magnified that law:
"Ye have heard that it was said
by them of old time, Thou shalt
not commit adultery: but
unto you, That whosoever looketh
on a woman to lus t after her hath
committed adultery with her
already in his heart" (Matthew
Thankfully, you asan individu–
al can be forgiven any mis takes or
sins you've made, if your attitude
is right and sincere: "But if we
walk in the light, as he is in the
light, we have fellowship one with
another, and the blood of Jesus
Christ his Son cleanseth us from
all sin"
John 1:7). And again,
verse 9:
we confess our sins,
he is faithful and just to forgive
us our sins, and to cleanse us
from all unrighteousness."
But read for yourself the stern
warning to those who continue to
indulge in unmarried sex: "Be not
deceived: neither fornicators, nor
idolaters, nor adulterers ... shall
inherit the kingdom of God"
( 1
Corinthians 6:9-1
Most people do not heed God's
warnings. Thunders God: "How
pardon thee for this? Thy
children have forsaken me . ..
when 1 had fed them to the full ,
they then committed adultery,
a nd assembled themselves by
t roops in the harlots ' houses.
They were as fed horses in the
morning: every one neighed after
his neighbour's wife. Shall
visit for these things? saith the
Lord: and shall not my soul be
avenged on such a nation as
this?" (Jeremiah 5:7-9).
Why Sex?
God created sex to be a prívate,
loving, binding, relationship be–
tween a husband and a wife, its
purpose manyfold. When each
partner's main motivation and con–
cern is an attitude of giving to the
other, sex is one of the most enjoy-
able physical, mental and spiritual
fulfillments one can have .
becomes a unifying force, cement–
ing and coupling marital partners
together-mutually shared, mu–
tually enjoyed, something totally
unique only between them.
Sex also gives us the opportuni–
ty to have children and rear other
human beings, giving them
human existence, and the ulti–
mate opportunity to share exis–
tence with God.
Remember, this world's heart–
aches are real. Determine that
you ' 11 not make the same mis–
takes others have made.
already have, ask God's forgive–
ness, and start over, determined
not to make any more.
Young men and women, stand
up for what is right. Don't be
ashamed of vi.rginity. It's some–
t hing to be honored.
Sex is worth saving for your
future mate. Maintain your integ–
rity. Don't compromise your stan–
dards. Don't give in. You'lllive to
appreciate it and you'll never
regret it.
Avoid going steady until you
are ready for marriage. Going
steady leads to having sex before
you should. Little by little those
who go steady give in until
they've given in all the way.
Young men- be leaders. Don ' t
take advantage of girls. Have
respect for them. Take the lead in
proper conduct, in not compro–
mising. Women shouldn't neces–
sarily be the ones to say no.
Young women-don't give in .
Don't allow yourselves to become
romantically entangled at too ear–
ly an age. There 's time for
romance at the proper time.
Don 't compromise.
Parents-teach your children
early what they need to know
about sex so that they won't have
to learn about it in the streets and
by experimentation. Answer their
questions openly and without
embarrassment. Admonish them
to remain virgin until marriage.
Be warm and loving to your own
mate, an example for your chil–
dren to see.
Take these admonitions seri–
ously to heart. You
' JI
be thankful
later. o