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An Elusive Dimension of
Exercise regular–
ly, enjoy a proper
diet, jog a mile or
two to keep
weight off and
build up your
system- these
i mmed iately
come to mind
when one thinks
But there is still
a missing element
in maintaining vig–
orous health. Do
you know what it
Millions con–
stantly abuse it.
Ask yourself: Do I
stay up late watch–
ing TV? Do 1 feel
tired, without pep, unable to con–
so, you probably
infringed on this missing element
within the last 48
This vital missing dimension is
proper rest and sleep!
F indlng Answers in Sleep
When you huy a sophisticated
tool or appliance, you receive an
instruction manual that tells you
how to maintain and utilize that
tool properly. You often risk dan–
ger or damaging it by not reading
the manuaL ·
June/ July 198 1
Michael A. Snyder
You may not realize it, but an
instruction manual was written
for all humanity by the Creator
God. This manual reveals basic,
missing knowledge that, when
applied, leads to an energy-filled
life filled with happiness, pros–
perity and peace of mind. It also
happens to be the world's best–
seller, although many, perhaps
including you, have never read it
This manual is none other than
the Bible! In it the Great Being
who made you provided the
means for yo.u to understand
yourself and the
world around you.
He revealed in it
more than
2, 500
yea r s ago
many doctors and
academicians are
confirming now!
Every night,
millions toss and
turn, futilely chas–
ing elusive slum–
ber. Perhaps you
are a Jittle bleary–
eyed now. And, as
you well know, if
you didn't have
problems sleeping
last night, you 've
had them before in
one form or anoth–
er, and will proba–
bly suffer mild in-
somnia in the fu–
Why? Let's un–
derstand cause and
effect in this mat-
ter of restful sleep
and waking up vibrant.
"The sleep of a labouring man
is sweet, whether he eat little or
much: but the abundance of the
rich will not suffer him to sleep"
(Ecclesiastes 5: 12) .
Here the Bible reveals impor–
tant psychological and physical
precepts you need to know. Few
realize how fully interdependent
their bodies and minds are.
Executive Sleep?
Why do laboring men sleep better
than rich (and often worried)
executives? Wouldn't it seem log-