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tank. Your automobile's tank is its
stomach. You wouldn't think of
pouring just any fluid that will pour
into the "stomach" of your car. You
know that your car was not made to
consume and "digest" fuel oil, water,
milk, or kerosene.
Yes, we are very careful what we
"feed" our automobile--and totally
careless and indifferent about what
we feed ourselves and our children!
What happens to the food you eat?
In the stomach the digestive process
takes place. And, once digested-if
you have eaten fit and digestible food
-a portian of the essential minerals
and vitamins-the life-giving proper–
ties in the food-filter through the
intestinal lining into the bloodstream
to replenish and build up decaying
cells, to provide energy, body
warmth, good health.
Your body is wonderfully made! It
is the most wonderful mechanism in
the world.
But, just as you must use the right
kind of gasoline in the gas tank and
the right kind of oils and greases in
the other parts of your car or other–
wise impair its performance, so you
must put the right kind of food into
the most delicate mechanism of al!,
your body.
you tried to oil a fine watch with
axle grease, you wouldn't expect the
watch to keep good time.
And when you put into your stom–
ach all kinds of foul things which the
Great Architect who designed your
human mechanism never intended,
you foul up your body and bring on
sickness, disease, aches, pains, a
dulled and clogged-up mind, ineffi–
ciency and inability-and you com- ·
mit suicide on the installment plan by
actually shortening your life!
The God who designed, created,
and made your body has revealed
sorne essential basic knowledge about
what meats will keep that body func–
tioning in tip-top shape. Why does
humanity refuse His instructions?
You Are Eating Poison
You don't eat every plant that grows
out of the ground. Sorne things that
grow are poison, not food.
But did you know there are many
kinds of poisons? Potassium cyanide
will kili you very quickly. Sorne poi–
sons will result in death within a few
hours or a few days. But very few
seem to know there are other poisons
people mistakenly eat as foods which
result in premature death after con–
tinuous usage for, say, ten, or thirty,
or fifty years.
The only difference between these
poisons we falsely call foods and
potassium cyanide is the relative
number of minutes, hours, or years it
takes to accomplish its mission.
Just as every plant that God
caused to grow out of the ground was
not designed for food, so it is with
animal flesh. Sorne will say, "Well, if
swine's flesh isn't supposed to be
eaten as food, what did God create
swine for?" You might as well ask,
what did God create weeds and poi–
son vines for? Everything may have
been created for a purpose, but not
everything for the purpose of eat–
Now sorne believe that in the
original creation- in the Garden of
Eden- God did not intend any ani–
mal flesh to be eaten. God's revela–
tion on that point is vague, and many
have argued it both ways. However,
God has clearly revealed that certain
animal meats are to be eaten as food
now, in this age, and Jesus who carne
to _set us an example did eat flesh as
well as vegetables and fruits, and so
What the Great Architect of
Your Stomach lnstructs
When the first written revelation of
God carne to man though Moses, God
instructed man as to which kinds of
animal flesh man ought or ought not to
eat. You will find this list in Leviticus
11 and Deuteronomy 14. .
This is a basic law-a revelation
from God toman about which kinds
of flesh will properly digest and
assimilate in the human system, and
which will not.
is not a part of
God's great spirituallaw, summed up
in the Ten Commandments. Neither
is it part of the ceremonial, ritualis–
tic, or sacrificiallaws later abolished
at the crucifixion of Christ.
It is necessary to recognize that
God is the Author of
law, and
there are countless laws in motion.
There are laws of physics and chem–
istry. You know of the law of gravity.
There is the great immutable spiri–
tual law to regulate man's relation–
ship to God and to fellowmen- the
law of love- the Ten Command-
ments. God gave His nation Israel
civil statutes and judgments
-national laws for the conduct of
the national government. Israel was
also His Church, under the Old Cov–
enant. And for the dispensation then
present God gave Israel rituals and
ceremonial laws for the conduct of
religious services, laws relating to
typical and temporary sacrifices,
meat and drink offerings- tempo–
rary substitutes for Christ and the
Holy Spirit. Those laws, of course,
ended when the Reality carne.
Physical , as Well as Spiritual Sin
And then, we must realize, there are
physical Jaws working in our bodies,
regulating our health. This meat
question has to do with these laws.
know of men who make a hobby
of bitterly accusing others of sin for
eating pork, oysters, and clams.
Let us get this straight and clear!
We usually speak of sin in its
spiritual aspect. That is the aspect in
which it is considered in the New
Testament. The Bible definition of it
is this: "Sin is the transgression of
the law" (1 John 3:4).
The penalty for violation of that
spiritual law is death- not the first,
or physical death, but the second, or
spiritual and eterna! death in the
"lake of fire" (Revelation 20:14).
Now the eating of wrong food is
not a transgression of this spiritual
law, and is not a spiritual sin. To
violate the physical laws of health
often brings the penalty of disease,
disability, pain, sickness, and sorne–
times the
is not neces–
sarily spiritual sin.
. That is what Jesus made plain, aS:
recorded in Mark 7:14-23. Here
Jesus was speaking of
defilement, not physical health. Not
that which enters into a man's
mo'!lth, but the evil that comes out of
his heart, defiles the man spiritually.
What defiles the man-and he is
speaking of defiling the
injuring the body-is transgression
of the Ten Commandments- evil
thoughts, adulteries, fornications,
murders, thefts, covetousness, blas–
phemy (verses 21-22). These things
have nothing to do with the physical
laws of health. He was making a
point concerning spiritual defile–
ments, not physical health.
Specifically, on the physical leve!,