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Herbert W. Armstrong
Were al/ animals made clean? What about the unclean animals shown to Peter
in a vision? Here is a straigh¡forward Bible answer, giving the New Testament
teaching. This subject is important to your health and well-being!
r thousands of years of human experience on earth, it seems there still· is nothing
eople know less about than food.
Observe a little baby. It seems to think that anything and everything its little
chubby hands can get into its mouth is good to eat- and everything baby gets his
hands on goes straight to his mouth! How often must young parents take things away, and try
to teach the lovely little bundle of humanity that everything one's hands can touch is not
necessarily good for the digestion!
We're Juat Grown·up Babies
Well, one might wonder if any of us has grown up! Most of us adults still seem to think that
anything we can stuff in our mouths is good for food. About the only difference between us and
the baby is that baby puts into bis mouth whatever
good, while we employ the sense of
taste in deciding what goes into our mouths. In a very real sense, your stomach is your fuel
Good health is no! an accident. Like sickness, it involves cause-and-effect factors . The Bible itself contains a
wealth of practica! advice on good health. In addition, the science of biochemistry has produced a wealth of
significan! findings on health. From time to time these discoveries will appear in
The Plain Truth
magazine. In
lhis issue we reproduce an article written by our editor-in-chief , Herbert W. Armstrong, some years ago.
Copyright© 1958, 1973 Ambassador College
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