borne for t hem-within bis
means and abil it ies.
However, merely giving physi–
cal support to a wife is not
enough to fulfill her needs or the
needs of her husband. For every
man needs to learn to be encour–
aging and uplifting to bis wife, bis
children and those around him. A
wife certainly needs this moral
support many times at the end of
a hard day. A real man should not
expect bis wife always to encour–
age and suppor t him. Rather, he
sbould be ready, able and desi–
rous of encouraging and uplifting
her when she has her down
moments as well!
This type of mutual help and
support automatically increases
the deep !ove and respect that a
married couple will have for one
the partner is there
with a kind word, a gentle pat on
the shoulder, an encouragi ng
embrace, a Iook of compassion–
this can mean more than any
number of physical luxuries.
Leadership and Guidance
A third area of responsibility–
and opportunity- for husbands is
that of leadership and guidance.
For God made the woman to
physically and emotionally lean
on the man as her head and lead–
er. Unless a woman has by exam–
ple or training developed a "liber–
ated" approach to Iife, she natu–
rally enjoys being Jed and even
dominated by a man who
respects, appreciates and !oves
Always remember there is a
major difference between domí–
nate and domineer. A man must
learn to lead bis wife by exercis–
ing all facu l ties of wisdom,
strength and personality. He
must, most of all , set an
for bis wife and children to follow
if he expects them to g ladly foJ–
Iow him.
This automatic Ieadersbip op–
portunity is a part of a program
the great God had in mind when
he instituted the family relation–
In leading the family, a man
should taJk goals and plans over
with bis wife continua lly. He
should give her definite guide-
lines-letting her know in !ove
and in fairness what he expects of
her and how far her responsibility
for certain decisions affecting the
borne, the items of food and
clothing, etc., extend. Then she
will know where she stands-and
will be able to cooperate and
implement her husband's deci–
sions and wishes. All these should
have been discussed before mar–
r iage, while dating.
The couple should counsel
together-often with arms
around each other-about their
future- their plans, hopes and
dreams. Hu sbands should ask
God for wisdom and vision and
should plan ahead as to the type
of home and life that is their goal,
the future education and well–
being of the cbildren, and the
type of friends the fami ly should
cultivate, the type of movies they
should see, the books they should
read, television programs they
should watch and their ultimate
goal- hopefully the Kingdom of
A husband and father who will
do this not only proves himself
more of a man- he actuall y
increases bis manhood, bis wis–
dom and bis abilities to lead by
this ver y process of being the
r ight kind of husband!
Help and Protection
Returning to Ephesians 5, remem–
ber that Christ gave himself for the
Church- "That he might sanctify
and cleanse it with the washing of
water by the word , that he might
present it to himself a glorious
church, not having spot, or wrin–
kJe, or. any such thing; but that it
sbould be holy and witbout blem–
ish. So ought men to !ove their
wives as their own bodies. He that
loveth bis wife loveth himself'
(verses 26-28).
Every right-minded man cer–
tainly desires to cherish and pro–
tect bis wife. She is bis sweet–
heart, bis companion, the mother
of bis chi ldren. He ought to real–
ize that she is part of him! " For
no man ever yet hated his own
flesh; but nourisheth and cher–
isheth it, even as the Lord the
church" (verse 29).
Realizing that bis wife is part
of him, a man certainly ought to
have a solicitous and protective
feeli ng toward bis wife and sweet–
heart. Even beyond this, though,
he should constantly be thinking
of helping her as t he weaker ves–
sel so t)lat she does not strain or
overdo and so that her grace and
beauty may be preserved
throughout all of their married
life. A real man will notice when
bis wife is overworking and light–
en her burdeos whenever possi–
ble. He will leap to action to lift
heavy things for her, help her
when she is sick, and protectively
and lovingly watch over her in
many such ways.
Of course, a man should not do
this because he is made to do it or
benpecked into doing it! And no
right-minded wife would know–
ingly do this. However, even if a
wife sometimes demands too
much of her husband, he can sti ll
domínate without domineering
and make sure that he is taking
the Jead in things-still helping
her out at bis direction in sincere
!ove and concern.
The woman has her responsi–
bilities, her particular ·duties in
the household and she should
gladly do them. But, help from
her husband comes in as an act of
love-given freely and fully when
she is sick, downcast or is sudden–
ly faced witb an object too heavy
to lift, a job too di fficult for her
to accomplish without the strong–
er partner of the marriage giving
of bis help and strength in !ove to
his wi fe and sweetheart.
If you husbands will learn this
Jesson your wives will repay you
in a thousand ways over the years
to come if you learn to give this
help when it is needed- and give
it freely and in kindness.
lnsplratlon to Grow
Probably this fifth area .of a hus–
band's responsibility is the least
understood and Ieast practiced by
most husbands today. That is
simply because we are living in a
world that certainly is-all too
often- affi icted by the wrong
type of feminine leadership and
assertiveness. Also, it is because
sorne men have relinquished their
(Continued on page 38)