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State says: "I want to play in all
of the games, but I'Jl train
I don't want to be part of the
TEAM until the games start. "
Would the coach let him be part
of the team in the games, without
having learned TEAMWORK dur–
ing practice season? Neither will
God Jet one INTO His Family at
the resurrection who refused to
be part of it now- in the
CHURCH- in the spiritual " train–
ing season."
To those chosen to be apostles
in the start of the CHURCH,
Jesus said, speaking of the
"1 am the vine, ye are the
branches." Those not joined with
others of the branches, all joined
to the main vine, were NO PART
OF THE CHURCH, and God the
Father will cast them away as
DEAD branches. The LJFE (spirit
life impregnated now) is received
along with all other "branches"
from the main vine- Christ, the
Head of the CHURCH!
What about one who has been
IN Christ's "spiritual Boov"–
the Church-and is PUT OUT for
cause (causing division or rebel–
lion or opposition to Church Gov–
ernment)? The CHURCH is like a
human mother who is pregnant.
there is an abortion, the
HUMAN LIFE departs totally from
the fetus. There is, however, per–
haps one difference in this analo–
gy. A human who goes out, or is
put out of God' s Church, could,
on repentance and renewed belief,
be admitted back into the. Body
What about the millions of
members of other churches or
Satan is the great counterfeit–
er. Satan has his churches, bis
religions, and bis ministers in
those religions and churches
Corinthians 11: 13- 15). Wbat
about the millions of people in
traditional established "Chris–
tian" churches? In the book of
Revelation, the TRUE Church is
pictured in the 12th chapter as
the persecu ted "li ttl e flock, "
many martyred-put to death
for their faith- having to FLEE
for safety from persecution, tor–
ture and death. In chapter 17 is
pictured the big, politically and
worldly powerful churches ,
headed by "mother" "Babylon
the Great the mother of harlots
and abominations of the earth"
(verse 5). In other words, the
ancient "Babylonian Mystery"
religion, out of whom have gane
daughter churches in protest.
This politically great church was
the persecutor of "the saints"
(verse 6). Thi s fal se church ,
politically great , sits astride a
"beast" pictured in chapter 13
as a government ruling by power
of "the dragan" who (Revelation
12:9) is Satan the devil.
This is shocking, but plainly
revealed in God's Word!
What about those, in such
churches, who profess being
"born-again Christians" ? They
are DECEIVED! They may be ever
so sincere. They do not know
they are deceived and wrong in
their beliefs. But they are not
now being judged! They are nei–
ther " lost" nor "saved. " They
are among the WHOLE WORLD,
swayed by the deceptions of
Sat an, CUT OFF from God!
must be repeated- they
shall have their eyes opened to
God's TRUTH if still living after
Christ comes and Satan is
removed--or, if dead befare then,
resurrected and called to truth
and salvation in the Great White
Throne Judgment resurrection
(Revelation 20: 11-12).
Again, the reader is urged to
read the free booklet
Just What
Do You Mean-Born Again?
Yes, the whole world is
DECEIVED . But praise Goo!
Satan soon shall be removed
from earth, eyes shall be opened
mately EVERYBODY who ever
lived shaJJ have been called to
salvation and eterna! life! But
when called, each must make his
own decis ion.
Meanwhile God's GLORJOUS
PURPOSE mus t be worked out
here below according to God's
wonderful MASTER PLAN- a s tep
ata time! o
Add Up.
• •
How did bunnies, eggs and hot
cross buns find their way into
"Christianity"? Is it just harmless
fun - or does
stem from a more
serious origin?
The Plain Truth
About Easter
explains the enigma.
You'll be shocked to find out who
really "laid the first Easter egg."
Send for your copy of this
booklet today.
Please send me my
copy of the book1et
The Plain Trufh A bouf Easter.
I under–
stand there is no charge or obligation.
Use lhe reply card in this issue or
out and mail this
coupon to our address nearest you (see inside front