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W .E
Goo who spoke these words?–
" Biessed shall you be in the city,
and blessed shall you be in the
field . Blessed shall you be in the
fruit of your body, and the fruit
of your ground , and the fruit of
your beasts, and the increase of
your cattle, and the young of your
flock .. . . Blessed s hall you be
when you come in and blessed
shall you be when you go out"
(Deuteronomy 28:3-4, 6, Revised
Standard Version) .
" Biessedness" does not de–
scribe what has occurred over
vast areas of many nations dur–
ing the past year. Just the oppo–
site! H as God forgotten?
This past year saw multimil–
lion-dollar losses from droughts,
Aoods, hail, hurricanes and other
adverse weather plaguing nations
around the world. The immense
sufferi ng to human and animal
life and losses to crops can only
be called , if one were to use
ash towering into the atmosphere from
Mount St. Helens in Washington State
sparked meteorologists ' speculation of
adverse impact on weather patterns.
Fai/ing rains in Australia (above left),
and both failing and deluging monsoons
in India (lower right) were only a few of
many areas staggered by weather di·
sasters in 1980.