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neighbour secretly" (Deuterono–
my 27:24). Just because you
don ' t physicall y hit someone
doesn' t mean you can't "smite"
them another way.
What la a Nonamoker to Do?
Most of those who will read this
article wi ll be nonsmokers who
are, in a sense, the vict ims of
host ile, aggressive acts. What to
Surprisingly, many smokers do
not realize j ust how offensive–
how harmful-smoking is. Smok–
ers develop a tolerance for carbon
monoxide- so they don't suffer
the same discomfort that non–
smokers do. But as a rule of
thumb, about 50 percent of smok–
ers, if you ask them poli tely, wi ll
douse thei r burning weed as a
matter of common courtesy.
T hen there are the d iffi cult
si tuations. A request not to smoke
at work in the office or shop is a
request not just to give up smok–
ing for the moment-but for an
indefin ite per iod.
won't be honored.
The best solut ion in such situa–
tions is to go to the one in author–
ity and ask him or her to enforce
a no-smoking rule. This may not
exactly endear you to your smok–
ing co-workers, but then the cru–
cial choice is between your health
and thei r filthy habit.
The Bible, of course, has much
to say about not returning evil for
evil. But this does not mean you
have to sit idly by while some–
body is in the process of poison–
ing you. lf the person in charge
won't come to your aid, you
might want to purchase a fan that
could blow the smoke away. In
places that you visit frequent ly,
you may want to encourage the
management to set aside a non–
smoking section.
Of course, many smokers, who
don' t care much for their own
health, can hard ly be expected to
care much for yours.
Small battery-operated fans are
useful, if you can obtain one.
Spraying an aerosol air fres h–
ener in the d irection of the foul
stench also helps-though it's not
as practica!.
The easiest and most efficient
January 1981
method of sel f-de fense is ...
chew garl ic. The garlic itself will
help protect your lungs against
pollution, and the smoker near
you may get the point that he's
being profoundly offensive.
A Clean Air World
Unfor tunately, none of the above
suggest ions (the more aggressive
ways of coping with smokers were
omitted) will always work, and
a lmost all of them seem o f
dubious practicality. Particularly
in a shop or factory situation,
there isn't much a nonsmoker is
going to be able to do short of
convincing management of his
plight or quitting.
While cast-off smoke is not one
of the absolute worst of the evils
in this present evi l world (yet
consider lung cancer!), it is sti ll
an evil.
may seem at the moment a
comparat ively insigni fi can t mat–
ter, but one of the att ract ions of
God's soon coming World To–
morrow is that it will be a world
free of cigarette smoke! No Ion-
ger wi ll hapless nonsmokers have
to have t he ir lung t issue de–
stroyed by sorne person who
couldn ' t care less about what he
does to his own or anyone else's
may be a small thing,
but it is one of the best contrasts
between God's way of give and
the devi l's way of get.
Smoking around others is a
perfect example of why the
world's way of "get" leads to di re,
terrible results. Both the smoker
and those around him have to
suffer a high risk of lung dis–
_ease- including cancer- j ust so
the smoker can continue bis self–
indulgence, without thought for
the welfare of others.
In the World Tomorrow, when
God intervenes in world affairs to
reestablish H is Government over
the earth, people will Iearn a
d ifferent attitude. They will be
concerned for thei r neighbor's air
j ust as much as they will be
concerned for thei r own desires.
wi ll be a time when people wi ll
brea th e free. God speed t hat
day! o
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