What Our Readers Say
America the Beautiful-Amerlca
the Condemnedl
My daugbter, age 11, ordered a
trial subscription of your magazine
because sbe thought 1 would enjoy it.
Your June-July issue contained so
many important articles that 1 read it
from cover to cover- something 1
bave rarely done with any publica–
tion. Oddly enough, yesterday the
pastor of our local church thought
Herbert W. Armstrong's article
"America the Beautifui- America
the Condemned!" important
to bave it read from the pulpit in its
entirety to the local body.
James McNally
Wilson, North Carolina
1 just read your most timely art.
"America the Beautiful: America the
Condernned" which is a reverbera–
tion of Isaiah's 'Great Arraignment'
in essence ... headed for collapse!
May l add another and most appro–
priate Bible quote to those you have
already so aptly mentioned, namely
Luke 12:19, "Soul, thou hast much
goods laid up for many years; take
thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry."
And when in all history have a people
"sat down to eat and drink and rise
up to play" (1 Corintbians 10:7) as in
Paul Brinkman, Jr.
Cannon Beach, Oregon
American Bias?
As editor in chief for the magazine
The Plain Truth,
1 hope you can
clarify sorne misunderstanding that
arose from my reading the June/July
1 detect a definite pro-American
bias in the articles and a slight sur–
prise that God may not necessarily
support all American activities!
In the Tesla article all blame seems
to be pointed to U .S .S .R . as causing
weather disturbances. Seek out Envi-
rooment Protection agency sources
and others for documentation proving
(Western) involvement in Extremely
Low Frequency research.
you want
to print
The Plain Truth
both sides of the coin. Canadian and
American countries have got their
own Tesla magnifying transmitters.
Another article, on chemical war–
fare, again hada severe "America the
Virginal Lamb" tone. The extent to
which all participants used Vietnam
as an experimental zone for all inhu–
man warfare had never been seen 'till
then. You have a very good source of
statistical information on all these
bad "communist" countries, but
please, you should not try to
wash American involvement in these
very same areas. To me,
The Plain
should carry a totally objective
tone as to what is really happening in
the world.
1 would appreciate receiving
Plain Truth
on a regular basis.
Tweed, Ontario
Our response is, read the /etter
that fol/ows, below.
Weather Upset
As one trained in science, 1have been
most interested in the
accurate report–
of the scientific side of the present
desperate world situation by
1 was particularly surprised
wben you pointed out that Tesla's early
work has not been ignored by the
Russians and that they may be even now
seeking to use it as a weapon- an event
Tesla feared to the extent that he tried
to destroy all record of this work when
one of bis experiments nearly destroyed
bis own laboratory!
N.O. Klaner
Harper Woods, Michigan
TV and Evolutlon
1 enjoy your TV broadcast im–
mensely with its biblical message. 1
am a high school teacher who sees the
dilemma youth faces in their every–
day life. 1 personally like the message
you give to us over tbe TV media. We
are taught evolution in our colleges as
an accepted fact. But we are never
given one alternative story. l'd appre–
ciate any literatu.re you might bave to
offer so that 1 can help myself and
others in need of seeing the "otber
send me
you bave of help regarding one refu–
tation of tbe false tbeory of evolu–
Jeane M.S.
Kitcbener, Ontario
Natural Chlldbirth
1 would like to thank you so much
for your article " Unmasking a Con–
spiracy Against the Newborn." The
knowledge in this article is so badly
needed in the world and church alike.
we' re to fulfill Malachi 4:6, one
way is to begin at the very begin–
As our daughter was boro at
borne in January, we had the mar–
velous experience of enjoying birth,
bonding and nurturing the way our
loving Creator meant it to be, and
the way 1 know it will be in the
World Tomorrow. Ou.r fourth child
is such a joy to all of us because of
this experience.
Thank you again and keep up the
good work.
Leanne T.
Calgary, Alberta
To Heal a Nation
We wish to express our apprecia–
tion for the inspiring article, "To
Heal a Nation," which appeared in
the October-November issue of
P/ain Truth
Although the article described the
many complex problems facing this
tiny nation, the sense of bope the
author was attempting to convey