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and "worketh no ill to his neigh–
bour." True love "never fails"
Corinthians 13:4, 8; Romans
13:1 O, King James translation).
Lack of this kind of love is
whát is causing so many friend–
ships, dates, courtships and mar–
riages to turn into relationships of
exploitation and sexual abuse.
Because true spiritual love is
missing in so many lives, many
marriages-originally thought to
be based on "true love"--collapse
after a few months or years in bitter
disillusionment, strife, divorce or
violence. Perhaps !ove once existed,
but it was allowed to die.
Marriages without true .!ove
often become, as one cynic put it,
"A long, dull meal with the des–
sert first."
.is not true love that produces
ill-advised, forced or unwanted
marriages. True 1ove does not
produce illegitimate children, ve–
nereal disease epidemics or abor–
tion. Sexual emotions uncon–
trolléd by true 1ove often create
the illusion or feelings of love
when none really exists. Many
tragedies result.
Wrong love produces damag–
ing ideas of what maturity means.
Jt produces antagonisms among
individuals and between the
sexes. True love will not grow in a
battle-of-the-sexes environment.
The Bible reveals the laws
upon which true love is
reveals the awesome purpose of
human life.
reveals the proper
relationships between the sexes.
And also very importantly,
your Bible reveals the source and
nature of human nature and its
impact on human motivation and
human sexual energy.
Without this knowledge from
your Bible, you will not be able to
discern all the false " loves" of
this world.
lntended Love Between Sexes
In Genesis 1:26, the Creator said,
"Let us make man in our image,
after our likeness." God created
the sexes-..male and female
created he them" (verse 27). Man
and woman were given dominion
over the earth. Adam and Eve-
the first humans-had the oppor–
tunity to live and rule by God's
laws and ways (verse 26).
This first couple (and their
progeny ever since) had minds
capable of free choice. Physically,
they had eyes, ears, hands, body
and feet- after God's own like–
ness. But there were differences
in sexual function, in emotions
and talents.
Note the proper marital rela–
tionships God intended in the
In Genesis 2:18, God said, "lt
is not good that the man should
be alone:
will make him an he1p
meet [or fitting] for him." God
creélted woman out of rib-next
The vast majority
of humans living today,
and throughout history,
have never fully
comprehended what
true /ove is
' '
to Adam's heart. She was to be
clase to him. "[She] is now bone
of my bones, and flesh of my
flesh," recognized Adam.
The woman was to be loved
and cherished by the man, as be
loved himself. She was not an
inferior person. She was not
intended to be treated as a slave
or a doormat, to be trodden
underfoot, deprecated or deval–
ued. She was created to comple–
ment the man and society with
her special talents and abilities–
first and foremost, the encourage–
ment, support and inspiration of
her husband, then the proper care
and education of her children.
And the man was to be equally
respected for his position and
God ordained marriage for the
perfecting of love and for the
proper use of sex. "Therefore
shall a man leave his father and
his mother and shall cleave unto
his wife: and they shall be one
flesh'' (Genesis 2:24) ...Becoming
one flesh" is not just a sexual
union-it is also becoming "one"
mentally, emotionally and spiri–
tually. lt is growing in mutual
respect and love-for an awesome
God revealed 1ater in scripture,
" ... husbands, dwell with them
[wives] according to knowledge,
unto the wife . . . as
being heirs togetber of the grace of
[eterna!] life ..."
Peter 3:7).
And wives are to "revere" tbeir
husbands (Ephesians 5:33).
Note their equal opportunity
for spiritual salvation and reward
befare God. There is no human or
spiritual inequality of worth. But
God did give the man greater
responsibility to take the leader–
ship of the family, especially lead–
ership in showing love (Ephesians
5:25). That is because, in any
functioning unit, as the family,
God establishes government and a
line of responsibility.
But many other human rela–
tionships exist. They also must be
based on true love. God revealed
His Ten Commandments- and
applications of this law- to cover
these additional situations.
The Two-fold Law of Love
The first four of the Ten Com–
mandments reve;:tls that true love
is first expressed in respect, wor–
ship and obedience to God.
means not creating false gods,
making or serving idols or misus–
ing God's name and office.
includes keeping the seventh-day
Sabbath, the only day ever sancti–
fied or made holy by God.
The last six commandments
show how to love others: Honor
your father and mother, do not
murder, or commit adultery, or
steal, or bear false witness or
When asked which was t he
greatest commandment, Jesus an–
swered : ' '... Thou shalt love the
Lord your God with all thy heart,
and with all thy soul, and with all
thy mind and with al! thy
strength. This is the first com–
mandment. And the second