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Something is wrong with today's ideas about /ove. Many "/oves" lead to great human
tragedy. Why? This article explains what true /ove is and how it can be achieved!
Donald D. Schroeder
in history has so large a
proportion of humanity rated the
concept of !ove so highly. Love in
human history has not always been
as greatly valued , nor desired as it is today.
The Search for Love
Never befare has L-0-V-E-particularly romantic
love-been so sought after, spoken of, sung and
written about. Movies, television, books and
magazines portray !ove in many forms. Romanti–
cized concepts of !ove are often represented as
panaceas for feelings of inferiority, for loneliness
and for achieving lasting happiness.
Love is, according to sorne modern popular
conceptions: sexual passion . . . affection ...
admiration . . . adoration . . . worship . . . re-
spect ... caring ... warm feelings ... a fever ...
blind ... incomprehensible ... a mystery.
Most Have Never Known
You may have different definitions or concepts
of !ove. You may be confused about what love
is. Perhaps you have experienced, or thought
you experienced, real !ove.
The shocking fact is, the vast majority of
humans living today, and throughout history,
have never fully comprehended what true !ove
is or upon what it is based! The !ove of which
I'm speaking passes human or natural under–
Every heartache, suffering and torment in
human lives today-as throughout history- is
because of wrong concepts of !ove. "Perfect
love casts out fear, " reveals the Bible
True !ove is a spiritual attitude and way of
dealing with life and others.
is a totally
constructive, building, sharing and helping
way of life. This !ove originates from God and
reftects His character. "He who does not !ove
does not know God; for
God is /ove"
(I John
4:8, Revised Standard Version).
True !ove has direction, boundaries and
power. The direction is perfecting God's pur–
poses in life. The boundaries are God's laws.
And the power is the spiritual immutability of
these laws to produce good when obeyed and
to produce suffering and penalties when diso–
True !ove, according to the Bible, the reve–
lation of the Creator to mankind, "is kind,"
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