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; Top Left: Edgsr Mours - Gsmms! Lisison
Bottom right: Roth - Gsmms / Llaison
in 40 years. President Jorge
Rafael Videla of Argentina recip–
rocated with a visit to Brasilia in
President Figueiredo's visit
was made possible after diplomats
of the two neighbors had at last
resolved their differences over
utilization of Paraná River water
for huge hydroelectric plants.
The history-making meeting,
however, was far more than diplo–
matic icing to top off a political
issue already signed, sealed and
delivered. An official in the
Argentine foreign ministry told
me that the two-nation summit
conference was "eminently politi–
cal" and was a "reaffirmation of
the new style that rules Argen–
tine-Brazilian relations," opening
up "possibilities of wide areas of
cooperation" in commerce and
As evidence of the new relation–
ship, the two presidents signed, on
May 17, a series of far-reaching
agreements. First, they inked an
accord for nuclear cooperation
and, as an initial step, a contract
move closer
together in coordinating their economic
and political policies. Pictured on these
two pages, c/ockwise from top /eft, are:
President Joao Baptista Figueiredo of
Brazil; modern government buildings in
Brasilia, Brazil's 20-year-o/d inland
capital; Rio de Janeiro, with Guanabara
Bay and Sugar Loaf peak in back·
ground; Presiden! Jorge Rafael Vide/a
of Argentina; the
Casa Rosada
House), offlcial Government House in
Buenos Aires, Argentina 's capital; the
fertile pampas of Argentina; Sáo Pau/o,
Brazil's bustling 10 mil/ion population
metropolis, now largest city in South
America; the offlcial visit of President
Figueiredo to Argentina last May; and
grain ships loading in Buenos Aires