United States power and in–
fiuence in the Western hemi–
sphere is shrinking-just as
Communist inroads are in–
creasing. Key nations in South
America are talking of joint
economic and political coun–
teraction as never before.
Gene H. Hogberg
three-week, five–
nation fact-finding trip to
South America confirms
this fact: North Americans will
soon have to face a new set of
political realities in the Western
hemisphere. In short, the nations
of Latin America are no longer
dependent on the historie domi–
nance of the United States in the
New World.
Along with independence from
Washington is coming unheard-of
cooperation between previously
suspicious and competitive Latin
American powers. This coopera–
t ion, in turn, is destined to link
Latin America as a whole with a
burgeoning global economic sys–
tem centered in Western Eu–
Argentina and Brazll Forge Tlea
The new road to Latin together–
ness has been made possible
mainly because of one outstand–
ing development: Argentina and
Brazil have' decided to swap their
historie rivalry for dominance in
South America witb a new pro–
grarn of cooperation.
The mood of harmony was
reflected this past May when Bra–
zil's President Joao Baptista de
Figueiredo journeyed to Buenos
Aires, Argentina.
was the first
visit by a Brazilian head-of-gov–
ernment to the Argentine capital
Color photogrsphy by Gene H<>gberg - PT: ;
Center: Court8SY