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(Continued from page 31)
psychologically addicting powers.
After developing high tolerances for
marijuana, many marijuana users
cannot long function without it.
Making matters worse, in the last
few years there has been a marked
change in the quantity and quality of
cannabis available in the United
States and elsewhere. Before 1970,
most of the marijuana consumed in
the United States was a· very weak
domestic variety, with an average
THC content of under one percent.
1970, more potent Mexican
marijuana, having a THC concentra–
tion of 1.5 percent to 2 percent,
edged out the domestic variety. Now
varieties from Colombia and else–
where average up to 4 percent or
More alarming is the increase in
the importation of hashish oil. Mari–
juana joints dipped in it may contain
up to 90 percent THC.
A Splritual Response
Everyone must confront the propa–
ganda and false allure of a wide vari–
ety of illicit and dangerous drugs.
is a sad commentary on the moral
and spiritual bankruptcy of modern
education, and even of religion, that
life is so meaningless, so lacking in
hope and spiritual power, that mil–
lions are enticed to drugs and alcohol
for a fleeting escape from life's prob–
lems or a bit of transitory pleasure.
The Bible reveals man's jncredible
potential. The purpose of a Chris–
tian's life is to develop, with God's
help, the mind and character of God
- with its crowning achievement to
be changed into a literal son of God,
ruling with God forever over His vast
creation. Such a goal completely
paJes into ·insignificance the fleeting
"pleasures of sin" (Hebrews 11 :25)
which permeate society.
Power to change the human mind
toward this fantastic goal comes by
the help of the Holy Spirit, which
God gives to those who obey Him
(Acts 5:32).
God's Word, the Bible, reveals
that a Christian will be
(this is in addition to being
through faith in Christ) according to
how he develops his natural and God–
given talents and abilities, and how
he overcomes sinful pulls (Luke
19: 12-27; Revelation 2:26). But
God's Word plainly states that drun–
kards will never enter God's King–
dom or family unless they repent (I
Corinthians 6:1 0). And, of course,
drunkenness can result from many
other debilitating substances besides
alcohol, such things as marijuana
a:nd other mind-altering drugs.
These things damage one's mental
capacity to drink in of God's mind
and character. T hey distort and
deaden the priceless human mind
with false perceptions, feelings, and
thought patterns.
It can never glorify God to distort
reality and to dull our motivation and
attention. To alter perceptions, lead–
ing to serious accidents, or to slowly
ruin one's health by poisoning body
and mind, can only be a grave and
serious threat-and disservice to
oneself and others. Mind-altering
drugs only destroy human potential.
They do not expand it!
Nor can we become a better socie–
ty by legalizing dangerous drugs.
One tragic consequence of eliminat–
ing strong penal ties for possession. of
marijuana is the consequent spawn–
ing of violence and corruption by
greedy entrepreneurs intent on reap- ,
ing quick profits. The next tragic step
sorne feel compelled to ask for is to
completely legalize growing or using
pot to reduce profitability to criminal
elements. In countries where mari–
juana has long been used, it is consid–
ered by leaders as a scourge, a stu–
pefying drug particularly harmful to
youth, human health, and social de–
Disturbed Brain Functlonlng
Many, young and old alike, are
tempted through peer pressure or
ot her reasons· to exper iment with
marijuana and other mind-altering
that applies to you, listen to a
drug specialist who has had fi rsthand
contact with thousands of individuals
suffering the tragic effects of many
modern drugs. Says Dr. Ha rdin
Jones, former professor of Medica!
Physics at the University of Berke-
ley, who has dealt with drug prob–
Jems of thousands of American ser–
vicemen returning from Southeast
Asia and elsewhere: Sensations of
brighter colors, clearer sounds, more
intense odors, distorted images and
sense of time, flashbacks and halluci–
nations, memory Joss and sudden
changes in mood "are
indications of
disturbed brain function. "
They are
not, he says, functions of a normal or
healtby brain.
Writing in the October 1977 issue
Executive Health,
Dr. Jones con–
eludes: "When potential drug users
come to understand that ... [these]
disorders induced by drugs are
ferences rather than additions to
tbey will be in a better
position to reject the use of mind–
al tering drugs. , .
God placed humanity here on
earth for a fantastic purpose. Mind–
altering drugs obliterate the possibil–
ity of fully achieving that purpose
and of "glor ifying God in your body
and mind, which are
Did human lile develop over a period
millions ol years lrom lower animal
species by a process ol evolution? Or
was humanity created and pul here
on earth by an intelligent and Almighty
Creator and for a definite purpose?
And il there is a purpose in lile, why is
humanity so totally unaware ol it? The
free booklet
Why Were You Born?,
Herbert W. Armstrong, discusses
these vital questions. To obtain your
copy, use the Literature Request card
in this issue or write lo
The Plain Truth
al the address nearest you. Why were
you born? ll's a question lhat de–
mands an answer .