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mans 8:23]: but we know that, when
he shall appear [that is at the second
coming of Jesus Christ to be King of
kings and Lord of lords], we shall be
like him, for we shall see him as he
John 3:2).
No human being can see Godas He
is and live. Even Moses, who was per–
mitted to see God, saw Him only from
behind, and God in His merey would
not allow him to see Him as He is! But
at the time of the resurrection-when
the promise of God the Father comes
to pass and we are born from the
grave-when our mortality puts on
immortality and our corruption puts
on incorruption- when we are
changed from flesh to spirit and we
become the living sons of the living
God- when we become Godas God is
God, God as Jesus Christ is God–
we will be able to see Jesus Christ
just like He really is in a
His spiritual
splendor and glory!
Oneness of Father and Son
That perfect unison that God the Fa–
ther and Jesus the Son work in by the
power of their Holy Spirit is fascinat–
ing to behold. J esus said, "No man
can come to me, except the Father
which hath sent me draw him" (John
6:44). And yet Jesus also said,
the way, the truth, and the life: no
man cometh unto the Father, but by
me" (John 14:6). God the Father on
His throne in heaven-active, living
and in charge of His enti re Family–
decides whom He wants to call and
when. He causes those individuals to
be drawn to Jesus Christ, His Son.
J esus Christ in turn directs them to
the Father in heaven!
What beauty! What unity!
We do not see here any conflict
between Father and Son. We do not
see a J esus Christ who this world
teaches rebelled against His Father
and recommended sorne different
way. We see total agreement and
unity, peace and the perfect work of
spiritual creation of which the Father
is in charge.
Believe it or not, the time of your
salvation is in the hand of God the
Father. God the Father and Christ
the Son (the
of creation]
have established a seven-thousand–
year plan to bring mankind from the
human leve! to the divine leve!! (II
Peter 1:4.) Six thousand of those
years are allotted for mankind to rule
himself, for Satan to have free reign.
Th,en comes God's Sabbath rest. The
thousand-year term of His Kingdom
here on this earth ruling mankind
under His gavernment, His way.
Each week that passes bears a fore–
shadowing of that plan. And finally a
resurrection of all who have ever
lived- those who have never had any
chance, who have never been called
by the Father-every human being
who has ever lived to be brought back
to life and giveri that one and only
opportunity God gives to become His
We see human suffering around
us. We see a history of human suffer–
ing for thousands of years. Only here
and there throughout that history did
the Father intervene in the live.> of a
few human beings. Tbe Son followed
that lead in perfect harmony as al–
ways, working with, guiding, leading,
prospering, educating, blessing cer–
tain individuals whom the Father
had chosen out of a world living in
rebellion, led by Satan the devil ,
against God's government!
lt was to that rebellious world that
God the Father sent His Son Jesus
Christ to live in the flesh and,
" ... As many as received him, to
them gave he power to become the
sons of God, even to them that be–
lieve on his name: which were born,
not of blood, nor of the will of the
flesh, nor of the will of man, but
[born] of God!" (John 1: 12-13.)
Why Haven ' t You Heard This
Preached Before?
Has your minister preached this cen–
tral, vital Bible truth? Have you
heard before that your destiny is to
become God as God is God?
Apollos, back during the early
days of the New Testament Church,
was an enthusiastic and eloquent
speaker whose zeal at first exceeded
bis wisdom and understanding. He
"had heard, and be repeated certain
things he had heard about Jesus
Christ and John the Baptist, about
the message they preached. He
preached it himself and convinced
many of its merits. Those many were
baptized, believing in the message
Apollos had taught.
But when Paul carne to question
the people who had been taught and
instructed by Apollos, he found there
was a key ingredient missing in Apol–
los' teaching. He had failed to in–
struct them regarding God's Holy
Spirit! God's Spirit! His mind, His
power, His very essence which He
grants and gives to us to beget us as
His sons, to give us the power to over–
come our human tendencies. The
power that will raise us from human
beings to God Beings! Apollos "him–
self needed further instruction and
got it from a dedicated <?Ouple in the
Church of God, and from the minis–
ters in the Church of God. And, of
course, those individuals to whom he
preached needed further instruction,
which they received from God's min–
istry of that day and were all rebap–
tized! (Read this in Acts, chapter
Surely you can see that there have
been great areas left out of your
Christian instruction from the minis–
ters you have heard in the past-no
matter how zealous and sincere they
have been. In fact, it seems that in
preaching the Father and the Son
they have left out-perhaps vocife–
rously rejected-the most important
reason why God is called our Father,
and why Jesus is called His Son!
Write for our free booklets
What Do You
Mean-Born Again?
for a fuller un–
derstanding of this subject.
have any specific questions don't fail
to write them to us.
you feel you
would like to talk to one of God's
representatives about this most im–
portant of subjects-or any other
subject of importance to you--don't
hesitate to ask!
You've heard it said, l'm sure, that
Jesus Christ promised the Holy Spir–
it to His followers, but have you ever
heard it said that Jesus, in giving that
very promise, Jabeled it the promise
of His Father in heaven? Read Luke
24:49 and Acts 1:4, and see it there
with your own eyes.
God is called a Father because He
is a Father. And it is His wi ll ,
purpose and plan to become the
Father of untold millions- to be–
Father to share in His life,
His glory, His majesty, His King–
dom- God as He is God! o