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BEFORE-even with
good weather- have the
great majority of nations
been unable to feed themselves.
For the first time in history
only four nations-plus a few
others on a more limited scale–
are able to feed rheir own popula–
tions with essential food grains
and have great quantities for
n other words, of the 150 or so
nations of the world, more than
140 are at this moment forced to
import sorne or sizable portions
of their food needs.
The four great exporters of
food grains-essential for human
survival and much livestock pro–
duction- are the United States,
Canada, Australia and Argenti–
na. Of these, the two North
American exporters, the United
States and Canada, dwarf the
other two.
Few Nations Food Sufficient
One geographical region, North
America, •finds itself in control of
most of the world's exportable
grain supplies. There is no histor–
ical precedent for this situation.
Well over 100 nations are now
dependent in sorne degree on
U.S. and/or Canadian grain ex–
por ts.
What will happen if the agri–
cultura] systems of these few
great food exporters-especially
the United States-are hit with
widespread drought or for other
reasons suffer agricultura( col–
There are no other nations that
can fi ll the role of these few big
food exporters. The Republic of
South Africa and Zimbabwe, the
Iatter formerly known as Rhode–
sia, are big food exporters only
within the African continent.
Now they face serious political
and racial difficulties. Such un-