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Four Horsemen
of the Apocalypse
This article is from the script of a recent telecast
David Hulme.
legendary Four
Horsemen of the Apoc–
alypse are one of the
Bible's greatest riddles.
Nearly 1,900 years ago the
apostle John first recorded
the details of their grim ride,
and ever since scholars and
laymen alike have wondered
what they represent.
There have been many ideas,
but it hasn't been till our age
that we've been able to fully
understand the significance of
these terrifying riders.
But before we turn to the book
of Revelation, we first need to set
the stage by taking a realistic look
at this world.
You and I live in an armed
camp. This planet is stockpiled
with enough nuclear weapons to
destroy every man, woman and
child at least 50 times over.
Today, weapons are big business.
Arms salesmen travel the world
with their wares, often selling to
poor nations who can't even afford
to feed their own people. We talk
about preserving peace by the bal–
ance of terror , as the superpowers
checkmate each other by having
something close to parity in arms.
But war is going on all the time
despite this so-called balance.
Why do we do this to ourselves?
As we've said so many times on
this program, God foresaw our
December 1986
present dilemma and spoke to us
through Jesus Christ. Two thou–
sand years ago Jesus warned us
that we would develop the potential
to destroy ourselves. He foresaw
what would happen.
In Matthew 24:21 and 22 we
read this: "For then shall be great
tribulation, such as was not since
the beginning of the world to this
time, no, nor ever shall be.
"And except those days should
be shortened, there should no flesh
be saved [alive] ...."
When Jesus said that, the
weapons of his day were Roman
short swords, spears, catapults and
siege vehicles. They were effective,
but they were hardly capable of
destroying all life. And that brings
me back to the book of Revelation,
and the four horsemen of the
In the book of Revelation, John,
the last remaining apostle of the
original 12, was given privileged
information about the time of the
end of this world. He was told to
share it with those who would be
living at that time. That's you and
me. I said it's privileged informa–
tion, because it's not been possible
to fully understand this book until
this century.
Now we'U turn to that famous
section that shows specifically what