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should the whole universe- the
creation- be waiting witb
for tbe actual birth and
appearing of all these sons of God,
to be born into tbe farnily of God'?
The following verses portray a uní–
verse filled with planets in decay
and futility-yet as if subjected
to this
state in hope!
"Because tbe creation itself [the
universe not now capable of sus–
taining Jife] will be set· free from
its bondage to decay and obtain the
glorious liber ty of the children of
God" (verse 21, RSV) .
did all the planets fall into
the bondage of decay'? Surely God
did not so create tbem!
Decay signifies a state or condi–
tion caused by degeneration and
decomposition from a previous un–
decayed state. God, however, cre–
ated these planets in a s tate of
But something
tion to set in.
What could have caused all tbis
"bondage to decay"?
cannot be the state in which
God created them! Everything we
read in God's revealed Word about
God's creation sbows it to have
been a perfect creation. The earth
was first created a perfect creation
of glorious beauty.
We see that angels inhabited the
earth prior to the creation of man .
Angels, who were perfect from the
creation until iniquity or lawless–
ness was found in tbem, caused the
whole surface of the earth to turn
into a state of decay, confusion and
emptiness, as shown in cbapter two
of this book.
Could the whole universe with
its myriad of other planets have
been created for the eventual pur–
pose of sustaining life? We are not
told specifically by revelation in
God's Word whetber it was or not,
but what we are told throws addi–
tional Jight on wby God decided to
create man!
Continue this passage in Romans
8:22: "We know that the wbole
creation [universe] has been groan–
ing in travail together until now."
Consider that the creation is coro–
pared to a motber about to be de–
livered of her child. The creation is
pictured as groaning in travai l in
bope (verse 20), awaiting the birth
by resurrection to immortality, of
tbe cbildren of God.
is as if the
creation [universe] is tbe motber
and God is the father.
Anyway the whole thrust of the
passage is that wben we (converted
humans) are boro of God-tben
having the power and glory of
God- we are going to do as God
did when this earth was rendered
"waste and empty"- Hebrew,
(Gen. 1:2). Cbrist,
who renewed "the face of the
earth" (Ps. 104:30), was renewing
what had been destroyed by tbe
rebellion of tbe sinning angels.
What these wonderful passages
imply and indicate goes far beyond
tbe amount specifically revealed.
This passage indicates precisely
what all astronomers and scientific
evidence indicate- the suns are as
balls of fire, giving out Jight and
heat; but the planets, except for
this earth, are in a state of death,
decay and futility - but not
until converted
humans are BORN tbe children of
God; born into tbe very divine farn–
ily of God, forming the kingdom of
Jesus' gospel was the kingdom of
God. What 1 am showing you here
is tbat Christ 's gospei of the king–
dom actually includes all this
knowledge here revealed--even the
whole universe is to be ruled by us,
who, witb God the Father and
Cbrist, become the kingdom of
God is first of all Creator, but
God is also Ruler. And he is Edu–
cator, who reveals knowledge be–
yond and outside the scope of the
human mind of itself to compre–
Put together all these scriptures
1 have used in this chapter, and you
begin to grasp tbe incredible hu–
man potential. Our potential is to
be born into the God family, re–
ceiving total power! We are to be
given jurisdiction over the entire
universe! .
Wbat are we going to do then?
These scriptures indicate we shall
impart life to billions and billions
of dead planets, as life has been
imparted to this eartb. We shall
create, as God directs and in–
structs. We shall rule through all
eternity! Revelation 21 and 22
show there will then be no pain, no
suffering, no evil, because we shall
have learned to choose God's way
of good.
It will be an eternal life of ac–
complisbment, constantly looking
forward in super-joyous anticipa–
tion to new creative projects, and
still looking back also on accom–
plishments with happiness and joy
over what shall have been already
We shal l never grow tired and
weary. Always alive-full of joyous
energy, vitality, exuberant life and
strength and power!
Earth to Become UNIVERSE
Finally, even God the Fatber will
come to this earth. His throne over
the whoie universe will be estab–
lisbed on tbis earth.
Notice in 1 Corinthians 15:24,
after speaking of the various resur–
rections, it is recorded: "Then
cometb the end, when be shall have
delivered up the kingdom to God,
even the Father; when be shall
have put down all rule and all au–
tbority and power."
In Revelation 21 :3: "And 1
heard a great voice out of heaven
saying, Behold, the tabernacle of
God is with men, and be will
dwell with tbem, and they shall
be bis people, and God bimself
shall be with them, and be their
And further in Revelation 22:3:
" And there shall be no more curse:
but the throne of God and of the
Larnb shall be in it; and bis ser–
vants shall serve him."
When it speaks of God and the
LAMB, the LAMB represents Christ
and God refers to the FATHER.
Finally the at-one-ment shall be
completed . Both God the Father
and the Son Jesus Christ in us and
we united with them as the one
great supreme God farnily.
How wonderful beyond the abi l–
ity of words to express is the glory
of God and his wonderful purpose
actual ly now in progress. Praise,
honor and glory be to God and to
Jesus Christ forever and forever!
With God's great master plan of
7,000 years finally comp1eted- the
great mystery of the ages finally
revealed, and with the re-creating
of the vast universe and eternity
lying ahead, we come finally to