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of God
We conclude, with this fourteenth installment, the serial
publication of Herbert W. Armstrong's last book,
Mystery of the Ages.
ow we come to t he
world tomorrow on the
individual level-the
Church-. the religion-the
educational system.
When Jesus Christ returns to
earth in the full supreme power
and glory of the Creator God,
he ís comíng, this time, to save
the world, spiritually.
Education and Religion Tomorrow
When he sits on the throne of his
glory, in Jerusalem, all nations
composed of flesh-and-blood mor–
tal humans will be there before
him. He shall begin dividing the
"sheep from the goats." To the
sheep, on his right hand, "Then
shall the King say unto them on his
right hand, Come, ye blessed of my
Father, inherit the ki.ngdom pre–
pared for you from the foundation
of the world" (Matt. 25:34).
Those converted, now, are heirs.
We shall inherit the kingdom at
Christ's coming. The dead in
Christ shall be resurrected, rising
first--changed to Spirit immortal–
ity. We that are then alive, in
Christ, shall be instantaneously
changed to Spirit immortality, and
caught up with the resurrected
ones, to meet the descending
Christ in the air.
We shall then be separated by
immortality from the mortal hu–
mans on earth.
Wherever Jesus is, from there,
we sball be ever with him. Where,
then, will he be? His feet shall
stand that same day on the Mount
of Olives (Zech. 14:4).
lt is after this that he separates
the sheep (those who repent, be–
lieve, and receive bis Holy Spirit)
from the goats (those who rebel).
This separation-this educating of
converts for God's kingdom-will
continue throughout tbe entire
thousand years of Cbrist's reign on
Christ will give to al! nations a
new and pure language: "For then
will I turn to the people a pure
language, that they may al! cal!
upon the name of tbe Lord , to
serve him with one consent"
(Zeph. 3:9).
The pure truth of God will be
proclaimed to al! people. No one
will bé deceived any longer. But
"the earth shall be full of tbe
knowledge of the Lord, as the wa–
ters cover the sea" (lsa. 11:9).
Christ is the "root of Jesse,"
father of David . To Christ, then,
will the gentiles seek (lsa. 11:10).
Christ will set bis hand to save all
Israel (verse 11) . (See also Romans
But all this work of world evan–
gelism-of spiritually saving the
world (as a whole, not necessarily
every individual but surely a ma–
jority)-will require, simulta–
neously, reeducating the world.
One of the great problems facing
the returned glorified Christ, will
be that of reeducating the suppos–
edly educated. These minds- and
they are, indeed , the world's finest
and best minds- have become so
perverted with false education that
they will be unable to accept truth
until they first unlearn error. And
it is at least ten times more diffi–
cult to unlearn error, firmly imbed–
ded in the mind, than it is to start
from "scratch" and learn new
It may actually take them longer
to cometo a knowledge of truth–
to become truly educated-than
the illiterate of this world.
God's inspired Word, the Holy
Bible, is the foundation of knowl–
edge. But they have been trained to
hold this true foundation in preju–
diced contempt.
Yes, indeed, the educating and
reeducating of the world will be
one of the most important tasks the
kingdom of God will face, after
Christ returns to rule. Today peo–
ple follow the false and deceptive
values. Their entire thinking will
require a reorientation-a change
of direction.
A Headquarters Church
We have seen that the earth, after