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details of a collaboration. Ciano con–
ferred with Joachim von Ribben–
trop, Hitler's special adviser on for–
eign policy. He also spoke with the
Fuehrer, who declared Mussolini to
be "the leading statesman in the
world, to whom none may even re–
motely compare himself."
An agreement to coordinate the
economic and foreign policies of
the two countries was signed on
that portentous October 25,
providing for joint action in all
matters affecting their common in–
terests. The existence of the Axis
was formally confirmed. The an–
cient ties of ltaly and Germany–
extending back to the days of
Charlemagne and Otto the Great–
had been reforged.
Both dictators were coming to
believe that side by side, Germany
and Italy could create a political
bloc in Europe that would alter the
course of history and shape the
destiny of the Western world. In a
speech in Milan shortly after
Ciano's return to
Rome, Mussolini
spoke glowingly
of "a n axis
around which all
the European states
may collaborate."
The Duce was be–
coming increasingly
respectful of the new
Germany and its
Nearly a year later, in
September 1937, Mussolini
traveled to Germany, where
the shrewd Fuehrer dazzled
him with a well-rehearsed dis–
play of German military
strength. Visibly impressed,
Mussolini publicly pledged to
Hitler that Fascist Italy and
Nazi Germany would "march
together to the very end."
The personal bond be–
tween the two dictators was
sealed. Mussolini returned
to Rome convinced that
his destiny lay at
Hitler's side.
As the months
passed, it became in–
evitable that Germany and
ltaly would convert their
informal axis relationship
into a fo rmal military a l–
liance. And so, because of-
November/ December 1986
as they saw it-"compelling geopo–
lítica! circumstances," the need for
closer relations developed.
The Italo-German " Pact of
Steel," was signed in the Reichs–
chancellery in Berlín May 22,
1939. (Mussolini was persuaded to
discard bis less-than-diplomatic
first choice, "Pact of Blood.")
The consequences proved disas–
trous. In 1940, Mussolini was
dragged into a European war. Five
years later, the Fuehrer and the
Duce died within days of each
other, their grandiose visions of
empire completely shattered .
Foretold Long Ago
Hitler's dream of a united Europe
under German domination failed.
The dream of a united continent
has permeated the history of Eu–
rope from Roman times. The orig–
inal Roman Empire fell in
476. But Bible prophecy revealed it
was to be re -
stored or resur–
rected again
and again over
the centuries.
The book of
R evelation,
chapter 17, foretold the last seven
of these resurrections in symbolic
language, picturing the revivals of
the Empire as seven heads of a
beast or wild animal.
History shows that from the
time of Emperor Justinian's " Im–
perial Restoration" of the Roman
Empire in
554 to the fall of
Napoleon in 1814, the RomanEro–
pire in the West had been resur–
rected- and had fallen apart-five
times. These resurrections bad
been headed successively by such
dominant figures as Justinian,
Charlemagne, Otto the Great,
Charles the Great and Napoleon.
Tbe sixth head of Reve1ation 17
began to rise with the unification of
Italy in 1861 by Giuseppe Garibaldi.
In 1871, "Iron Chancellor" Otto von
Bismarck united Germany into a
or empire under Prus–
sian leadership. The sixth bead cul–
minated more than a half century
later in the Fascist rule of Mussolini
and the creation of the fatefu l Axis
with Hitler's Germany.
The seventh and last head–
with its 10 horns (Rev. 17:3)- is
yet to arise! One last restoration of
this great political system will
come. This reviva! will be a federa–
tion of 1O European nations, or
groups of nations, possessing far–
reaching political power and
influence. The coming
United Europe will be a
great third force in world
affairs-a superpower in
its own right!
The stage is now being
set for this last, climactic
reviva! of the Roman Ero–
pire, this coming "United
States of Europe." Europe
today stands on the
threshold of unparalleled
power. Soon it will again
find itself in a position to dra–
matically reshape the geopo–
lítica! balance of the world!
You need to understand
what Bible prophecy reveaJs
about coming events in Eu–
rope- events that will her-
ald the end of this age and
the Second Coming of Jesus
Christ to restare the king–
dom of God! Write for our
free illustrated booklet
Book of Revelation Unveiled
at Last!
for full details. o