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commerce-as well as its money
and monetary system. These sys–
tems will be on the international
level , the same in every nation.
U ndoubtedly Joseph will develop
a large and perfectly efficient orga–
nization of immortals made per–
fect, with and under him in this
vast administration. This will be an
administration that will eliminate
famine, s tarvation, poverty. There
will be no poverty-stricken slums.
There will be universal prosperity!
Another tremendous project on
the worldwide international level
will be that of rebuilding the waste
places, and the construction ofwhat–
ever real ly great and Iarge buildings
or structures Christ will require for
the world he will create. "And they
(Continued from page 16)
through Jesus Christ, God is
" bringing many sons unto g lory"
(Heb. 2: 10). J esus is " the firstborn
among many brethren" (Rom.
8:29). The Bible cal ls converted
Christians- men and women–
" brethren" of Jesus Christ (Heb.
2:11- 12, 17), "children" of God
the Father (Roro. 8:1 6-1 7) , God's
"sons a nd daughters" (11 Cor.
6:1 8).
And the mother is the Church of
God. This is a famil y relationship
of awesome magnitude.
Exactly how is God producing
children? By divine fiat? By com–
manding and they come into be–
ing? By sorne spur-of-the-moment
religious experience, such as is felt
by those who believe they are sud–
denly converted and "born again"
as God's children? No, nowhere in
all of nature are offspring produced
God starts the process of produc-
(Continued from page 19)
is more blessed to give than to
receive" (Acts 20:35).
And whom do you love? Whom
do you give to? "'You shall love
the Lord your God with al! your
heart, with al! your soul, and with
all your mind'" (Matt. 22:37).
You love God by dedicating your
whole life toward serving him, and
obeying him, doing his will.
October 1986
shall build the old wastes, they shal1
raise up the former desolations, and
they shal l repair the waste cities, the
desolations of many generations"
( Isa. 61:4).
Job was the wealthiest and great–
est man of the east (Job 1:3) and
a noted builde r. (Compare Job
3:13-14 with God's challenge in
Job 38:4-6.) He was so upright and
perfect, God even dared Satan to
find a flaw in his character. Actu–
ally, there was a terrible sin in his
life-self-righteousness. But God
brought him to repentance. (See
Job, chapters 38-42.) Once this
man, of such strength of self-mas–
tery that he could be so righteous
in his own strength, was humbled,
brought to reliance on God, filled
ing children by begetting them. He
joins bis Holy Spirit (the sperm or
seed) with the spirit (the nucleus)
in a person's mind (the ovum or
egg). The result is a spiritual "em–
bryo"-not yet a born child of
That embryo must g row and de–
velop. The new spiritually begotten
child must be protected and nour–
ished for an appropriate length of
time in th e womb of the
"mother"- the C hurch (Heb.
12:22-23; Gal. 4:26), until it grows
to the point where it is ready to be
boro in the resurrect ion as a spirit
being (John 3:6)- a member of
God's family.
This is the method God is us–
ing to bring fort h additional chil–
dren for his spiritual family.
the method reflected by sexual
procreation at nearly every leve!
of the biological realm and espe–
cially in human beings, who are
created in God 's very image
(Gen. l :27).
But there is more. For, viewed
When David felt frust rated and
unfulfilled, when that emptiness in
him cried out for fulfillment, he
knew what he needed: "As the deer
pants for the water brooks, so pants
my soul for You, O God. My soul
thirsts for God, for the living God.
When shall 1 come and appear be–
fore God?" (Ps. 42: l-2) . David
knew he needed God to fill the hole
in bis head. What about you?
Not only do you need to !ove
God, but " 'you shall !ove your
with God's Spirit- well , surely no
man who ever lived could equal
him as an engineer over vast stu–
pendous world projects.
Indication is st rong, therefore,
that J ob will be director of world–
wide urban renewal , rebuilding the
waste places and the destroyed cit–
ies, not as they are now, but ac–
cording to God's pattern; vast engi–
neering projects, such as dams and
power plants-<>r whatever the rul–
ing Christ shall decree.
At least one other man seems
indicated as a top assistant in this
vast administration. That is Zerub–
babel ( Haggai, and Zech. 4).
So much for the new world su–
per-civilization on the national and
internat ional leve!.
from another aspect, the male–
female relationship portrays the
special relationship Jesus Christ
has with the Church.
is a marital
relationship, Christ being the hus–
band and the Church of God his
bride-to-be (Eph. 5:22-32; Rev.
19:7- 10) .
Sex did not evolve. Sex was
created by God not only for repro–
duction, but for attracting humans
to one another so they would forro
families. Sex was created not only
to render pleasure in the marital
relationship, but also to keep us
humans in mind of the awesome
purpose the Creator God is work–
ing out.
Sex was given to be used exclu–
sively in the confines of marriage
to solidify the family unit, because
the God family is solidly united.
Sex was given to produce children,
because God is producing children.
becomes all the more evident,
then, in view of the great purpose
for which God created sex, how
g reat an evil is its misuse!
neighbo r as you rself'" (M a tt.
22:39). In seeking to satisfy the
needs of your brother, your most
important need is satisfied. In fill –
ing the hole in your brother's (or
sister's) life, the hole in your head
will be filled .
Love is the answer. Giving is the
way to all you want and need. That
old hole in your head need not go
empty any longer. Use that drive
inside you to lead you to !ove God
and help your fellowman.