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But, in every case, these kings
and rulers will be resurrected im–
mortals, born into the kingdom
(family) of God as Spirit beings–
not flesh-and-blood mortals. And,
in every case, they will be those
who qualified not only by conver–
sion, but by overcoming, spiritual
character development, growth in
C hrist's knowledge-training in
being ruled by God's law and gov–
ernment, as well as learning to
The parables of the pounds
(Luke 19: ll -27) and talents (Matt.
25: 14-30) make this very clear.
The one who multiplied his spiri–
tual abilities ten times over is pic–
tured as ruling over ten cities. T he
one who developed only half as
much in God 's character and abi li–
ties is pictured as being given rule
over five cities. The parable of the
talents shows the same thing, but
also we are to be judged by how
well we do with what we have to do
That is, one of lesser ability
will be judged according to motiva–
tion, application, diligence and per–
sistence according to ability. To
whom much- in natural abil ity,
and spiritual gifts- is inherited
and given, much will be required.
The one of lesser ability stands just
as good a chance for reward in
God's kingdom as the one of great
ability- if he tries as hard.
But what of al! the gent ile na–
tions? Who will be given top posi–
tions of rule over them?
There is s trong indication- not a
definite, specific statement- but
indication, according to principies
and specific assignments that are
revealed, that the prophet Daniel
will be made king over them all,
directly under Mases. What
prophet- what man of God--did
God send to be trained at top- level
gove rnment auth ority, i n the
world 's very first world empire?
And what man refused to follow
pagan ways and customs, even
while serving next in authority to
th e king himself? What man
proved Joya! to God, and the wor–
ship of God, and obedient to the
laws of God-even while serving at
the top in the first world empi re?
Why , of course, it was the
prophet Daniel.
At first thought, one might sup–
pose Christ will put the apostle
Paul at the head- under Moses
and under Christ-of all gentile
nations. And indeed Paul qualified
for high position over gentiles.
But Daniel was thrown into al–
most daily contact with the king in
the world's first world government.
And though that was human gov–
ernment, Daniel proved completely
loyal and obedient to God and
God's rule. He was used, to reveal
to King Nebuchadnezzar, and im–
mediate successors, that it is God
who rules over all kingdoms.
Daniel refused the king's rich food
and delicacies- including what was
unclean accord ing to God's health
laws. He prayed three times a day
to God, even though it meant being
thrown into the den of lions. He
trusted God to protect and deliver
him from the lions. H e gained
knowledge and wisdom in the
fairs and administration of govern–
ment over nations.
When God, through the prophet
Ezekiel, named three of the most
righteous meo who ever lived, he
named Daniel as one of them. The
other two were Noah and Job
(Ezek. 14:14, 20). And it is evident
that God will assign Noah and Job
to offices of very great magnitude.
More of that , later.
God in his Word gave Daniel the
assurance that he shal l be in the
kingdom of God, at the time of
resurrection (Dan. 12:13).
is an interesting possibility, in
passing, to consider that Daniel's
three colleagues in this Chaldean
Empire service- Shadrac h ,
Meshach and Abed-nego- might
serve as a team directly with and
under Daniel , even as the three
"fathers" very possibly may serve
as a team directly with and under
Christ himself. In fact, there are a
number of such teams that appear
to be possibili ties.
But what about Paul? As the
twelve original apostles were sent
to the lost house of Israel, Paul was
the apostle to the gentiles. That is
the key. Christ himself said specif–
ically that each of the twelve shall
be a king over one of the nations of
Israel. I t is inconceivable that Paul
would be over no more than one
gent ile nation. It might even be
inferred that Paul rated a little
higher in abi lity and accomplish–
ment than any one of the twelve
apostles. And, again, no gentile na–
tion wi ll be as great as one of the
Israelite nations.
The indication, then, seems to be
that Paul will be given position
over al! gentile nations, but under
Of course there will be kings
appointed by Christ over every
gent ile nation. And district rulers
under them, and rulers over cities.
There is no indication as to the
identity of any of these, except
that those apostles and evangelists
who worked with and directly un–
der Paul- Barnabas, Silas, Timo–
thy, Titus, Luke, Mark, Philemon,
etc.- undoubtedly will be given
offices of impor tance. And what of
other sain ts of that same time, in
the f i rst
ush years of the
Church, when its membership at
first multiplied in number of con–
verts? And what of many con–
verted since, and down to our
present day?
We can mention, here, only what
seems to be rather clearly indicated
from what God has already re–
The lnternatlonal Level
Besides these revealed and indi–
cated assignments of government
over nations and groups of nations
on the national leve!, there will be
positions of great magnitude on the
international leve! in the areas of
scientific and social functions. And
there are a few indications of what
sorne of those operations will be,
and the possible-if not proba–
We cometo Joseph, son of Israel
and g reat-grandson of Abraham.
J oseph became food administra–
tor of the greatest nation on earth
of that t ime-Egypt. J oseph was
synonymous with "prosperity."
"And the Lord was with Joseph,
and he was a prosperous man;
and ... the Lord made all that he
did to prosper in bis hand" (Gen.
39:2-3). He was made actual ruler
for the pharaoh of the world's
greatest nation. But his specialty
was dealing with the economy–
with prosperi ty. And what he did,
he did God's way.
seems evident , therefore, that
Joseph will be made director of the
world's economy-its agriculture,
its industry, its technology, and its