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(Continued from page 4)
The economic linkage between
Japan and the Common Market is
destined to grow, especially as both
experience difficulties in their rela–
t ions with th e United Sta tes.
Jacques Delor, president of the Eu–
ropean Commission, recent ly re–
marked that the U.S. can no longer
be expeded to serve as the locomo–
t ive for the world's economy.
" It
clear that Japan and Europe must
take up the slack," he added.
Dr. W. Dekker, president of
Philips, the European electronics
gian t , told the
Mainichi Daily
that "global cooperation will
be of interest to both regions"- re–
ferring to Japan and Europe. "That
means that 1 would like to see
much more Japanese investment in
Europe.... In my opinion, Japan is
now beginning a new phase of in–
ternational izat ion."
Budding cooperation with- and
competition from- the Japanese,
moreover, is accelerating calls by
experts in Europe for the continent
to complete its long-stalled plans
for economic unity.
A European Community Com–
mission "White Paper" last June
set out a detailed timetable to
achieve a full economic union of
the 12 EC states by 1992.
The pressure of both American
and Japanese competition, reports
Mainichi Daily News,
" will
create an enhanced awareness of
the urgent need for a Community
approach in Europe ... [to imple–
ment] the decisions set out in the
White Paper."
Watch for the economic axis be–
tween Tokyo and Brussels (EC
headquarters) to accelerate in the
months and years ahead. Watch
also as tbe
and tbe
mark - and
eventually the EC's
ECU (European Currency Unit)–
replace the
as tbe kingpin of
world t rade.
Commission President Delor, in
his interview with the
Daily News,
looked well into the
fu ture when he remarked that " the
EC Commission will strive, step by
step, to develop the. role of the
ECU to transform it progressively
into an international currency, the
same as tbe yen."
Has No Subscription Price
For more than half a century The Pls in Truth has given its readers
an understanding of how a world surcharged with incredible progress
can be so afflicted with appalling troubles.
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When Herbert W. Armstrong first conceived of the idea , in 1927, of
publishing a magazine called The Plsin Truth, he believed it must be
a different kind of magazine. lt would have no outside advertising , no
price. Mr. Armstrong had learned that God says we should " buy the
truth, and sell it not" (Prov. 23:23). lndeed, he learned that God's way
is simply the way of " give."
Today, The Plsin Truth is a mass-circulation magazine spanning the
globe in seven languages with a circulation in English alone of more
than seven million copies monthly.
So many ask: " How can you publish such a high-quality magazine
without advertising revenue?"
The answer is as simple as it is astonishing! lt is a paradox. Jesus
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mail it to all inhabited continents on earth. lt does haveto be psíd forl
This is Christ's work. We solve this problem Christ's way!
Jesus said, " This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached [or
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witness unto all nations" (Matt. 24: 14) st this time, just before the end
of this civilization, this age of human governments. A price must be
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But HOW?
Christ forbids us to sell it to those who receive it: " Freely ye have
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proclaim his message, "freely give. " " lt is more biessed," he said,
" to give than to receive." ·
God' s way is the way of love-and that is the way of giving. The
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the 1986 postage rates for magazines have risen drastically, by about
25 percent. To keep your Pisin Truth subscription coming to your home
freely each month we have had to cut the weight of the magazine for
the present to keep within our postal budgets worldwide.
Wit h America retreating into
economic isolation to its own
hurt , watch Europe and Japan as–
sume, for a short while in this
end-time age, center stage global
Trade conflicts will spill over
into the strategic sphere. Demands
will increase in Washington to cut
military links to both Western Eu–
rope and Northeastern Asia/Japan.
This wi ll force both regions to do
far more in tbeir own defense, an
ominous consequence for U.S. se–
The world is indeed heading for
significant geopolitical realig n–