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(Continued from page 6)
together, so society should provide
them with free--or very low cost–
contraceptives, and if necessary,
abortions." In addition sorne ex–
perts want young people exposed to
public sex education starting
around age 5.
Little or no mention of morality
or responsibility for one's actions,
or that this form of behavior could
be wrong!
The sexual fantasies presented
young people inadequately reveal
the real world. Teens constantly
see idealized, problem-free, boy–
girl situations, showing how glori–
ous they feel about each other, how
much in love they are as a couple.
But the real world is different.
In the United States, for example,
an estimated one-half million
teenagers contracted gonorrhea last
year. Syphilis and genital herpes
are at epidemic levels in the 1980s.
Miscarriages, stillbirths, congen–
itally deformed children and cases
of blindness, deafness and much
more have been caused by sexually
transmissible diseases acquired
through premarital or extramarital
sex. Not to mention depression,
anxiety and a feeling of loneli–
ness- like Sally- when a partner
A pregnant girl terminates the
life of her innocent unborn child by
abortion primarily to conceal the
result of her permissiveness. And if
she keeps the baby, she usually
faces poverty, if forsaken by the
she receives no help from
her own father or mother, an un–
married teenage mother finds the
only alternative is welfare.
And if the young parents-to-be
decide on marriage, they don't
have a rudimentary economic foun–
dation to support themselves. Al–
most all such teen marriages end in
No, it's a far cry from the one–
sided media portrait. Free love or
free sex is not free. The debits
incurred are venereal disease, ille–
gitimate babies, abortions, forced
marriages or forced separations,
upset or broken bornes and broken
relationships, scars carried even af–
ter this life-style is discontinued.
Teenage boys learn too late they
September 1986
have established irresponsible
habits that will haunt them the rest
of their lives.
The Neglected Solution
The consequences of teenage sex–
ual experimentation are far-reach–
ing, often permanently scarring,
physically and mentally . Social
workers grappling with the prob–
lem recommend education in
parents seem afraid to
get involved, then someone has to
teach them.
However the tragedy is not
solved solely by sex education in
school. The tragedy goes back to
parents, who a generation ago
blazed new trails, who began to
practice sexual freedom, and today
to talk to their
children about sex.
One mother, anticipating her
daughter's permissiveness, dragged
her down to the local clinic to ac–
quire contraceptives. "She's going
to do it anyway, and 1 don't want
her coming borne pregnant," is her
pathetic reason. This is not the way
to educate children.
Parents, you need to guide your
offspring, fully discussing all as–
pects of sex thoughtfully, candidly
and openly according to each
child's level of understanding. If
you want help in providing this
information, why not request our
free book
The Missing Dimension
in Sex.
Your copy is on reserve for
you in our mailing room.
And to teenagers, there is addi–
tional help and advice freely avail–
able for you. The irony is, this
advice was understood, and lived
by, long befare you were born; it
became neglected and yet it applies
today. This advice comes out of the
Holy Bible. Within its pages, sex–
ual advice to teenagers is revealed
plainly and unencumbered.
What a tragedy, many teens
have little knowledge of the Bible.
God put laws in place from the
beginning to help today's teenager.
These laws show young people how
to live. God set out certain rules of
behavior: that show what is right
and what is wrong. And how and
when to use one's sexuality.
This authoritative Word states:
"Flee fornication"
Cor. 6:18,
Authorized Version).
Or, in mod–
ero terms, say, "NO!"
The apostle Paul understood the
enormous problem of peer pressure
when he wrote: "Not to keep com–
pany with anyone ... who is a for–
nicator ..." (I Cor. 5: 11,
Authorized Version,
except where
In addition, the book of
Proverbs-an instruction manual
written by a father to his chil–
dren- teems with many warnings
against embracing permissive sex.
God established basic laws and
principies to protect and sanctify
marriage. One of the Ten Com–
mandments says: "You shall not
commit adultery" (Ex. 20:14) . The
seventh commandment directly for–
bids adultery as violating the sacred
rights of the marriage union. But the
commandment also covers in princi–
pie all other forms of illicit sex.
What of those who continue to
teach it's OK to indulge in perrnis–
sive sex? "Do not be deceived.
Neither fornicators ... nor adulter–
ers ... will inherit the kingdom of
God" (1 Cor. 6:9-10).
Few realize God gives us two
choices-two basic ways of life. "1
have set befare you life and death,
blessing and cursing ..." (Deut.
30:19) . Then God commands us to
choose life (verse 19). To their
hurt many humans choose wrongly.
Authorities, social experts, edu–
cators and religious leaders who
condone teenage permissiveness as
normal or healthy are in violation
bíblica! law. You should
ignore them.
God's Purpose in Sex
God created sex to be a prívate,
loving, binding relationship be–
tween a husband and a wife, not
casual sex partners.
Sexual relations within marriage
become a unifying force , some–
thing beautiful and rewarding.
Outsiders can
the result-in
happy faces and the sense of loy–
alty to one another-and in antici–
pation of children that may come
Perhaps you can' t change society
now. But be courageous to go
against the flow. Maintain your in–
tegrity. Don't give in. Don't com–
prornise. Allow God to bestow
upon you bis rewards by obeying
him. You'll never regret it.
Choose life!