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works by the principie of instinct.
Beavers don't go to engineering
school to learn to build dams. They
know how to do it instinctively.
But they always build the same
kind of dam, using the same basic
technique. You don't see a particu–
larly gifted beaver designing an im–
proved dam, and then teaching the
new model to others.
It's the same when birds build
nests, or when bees build hives.
But human beings are vastly dif–
ferent. Tbeir behavior is much
more governed by free choice than
instinct. Their range of possibilities
is much greater. They learn, and
grow, and experiment, and create.
They even invent. machines to do
sorne of thei r thinking for them!
Man does not simply have a
brain- he has a mind.
The difference between the
mind of man and animals is a spir–
itual difference. And science re–
fuses to look at tbe possibility of a
fore that time, philosophers and
theologians assumed that man had
a soul or spirit or something non–
physical that explained human
thought and behavior.) Manis thus
reduced to matter alone. The Dar–
winian view comes straight down to
our time through academic. psy–
chology in both the United States
and Europe to the university cam–
puses of our day and age.
So today, to even consider the
possibility of nonphysical or spiri–
tual forces present and active in the
mind of man would be seen as un–
scientific and hardly worthy of se–
rious discussion by most psycholo–
In this connection, one eminent
brain researcher, Dr . Solomon
Snyder, from Johns Hopkins Uni–
versity, was asked by a leading psy–
chology magazine this question:
..Does this mean that what we have
called ·rree will' can be reduced to
the interplay of brain chemicals?"
what is revealed in God's Word,
and look at a whole new set of
God, in his inspired Word, says
very plainly in Job 32:8: ..There is
a spirit in man."
Notice it's not called a ..soul," or
an immortal soul; it's called "a
spirit in man."
Man isn't spirit; he's physical,
that's true. But the Bible teaching
is that he has a spirit. You have a
spirit, a nonphysical or extraphysi–
cal component in you right this
minute that imparts the spark of
intellect to your mind. Did you
know that?
According to the Bible, it is the
presence of that spirit in man that
separates man from the animals,
and that makes the difference be–
tween the human mind and the
animal brain. The spirit in man is
the secret of the human mind, a
secret God reveals in bis Word.
Most people have never heard of
the spirit in man before,
even if they're religious,
because churches only
speak of the "immortal
soul"- which is nowhere
mentioned in the Bible.
Notice the existence of
this little-understood
sp irit in man, as ex–
plained in the New Testa–
ment. In 1 Corinthians
2:11 we read: ..For what
man knoweth the things
of a man, save tbe spirit
of man which is in bim?"
A particularly gifted beaver does not design an improved dam, then teach the new
model to others. Man can do both.
What is it, according to
the Bible, that explains
spirit component in the mind of
man . Scientists, with very few ex–
ceptions, will not admit the possi–
bility of the nonphysical or extra–
physical component in the human
According to psychology, man is
only physical, and his thinking and
even his emotions- such as love,
anger, joy and frustration--can be
explained by pbysical chemical re–
actions. That's the dominant view
in all serious academic psychology
today; but 1 want you to under–
stand that this is a relatively recent
and modero idea.
seems to have bad its origin
with Charles Darwin, the father of
evolution, back in the 1830s. (Be-
Dr. Snyder's reply is interesting.
He said, "That goes right to the
heart of the question of how the
mind relates to the brain. We don't
know the answer."
Science can only investigate
pbysical things. The whole spirit
realm líes outside of man's research
capability. The methods of science
are limited to physical knowledge.
Spiritual matters, including the
possibility of a spirit in man, have
to be approached by different
means. And that is divine revela–
tion through the Word of God, the
Holy Bible.
For those of you who are willing
to examine the other side of the
argument, Jet me now show you
what a man knows and
how he thinks? It's the ..spirit of
man," according to the apostle
Paul- writing here under inspira–
tion in the New Testament.
That's vitally important informa–
tion that you'll not hear explained
properly anywhere else.
You need to understand why the
spirit in man is there, and how it
operates, and how it relates to
God's purpose for you. lt's not
enough to simply know about it.
The free booklet
What Science
Can't Discover About the Human
will give you the understand–
ing and will explain the secret of
the human mind in greater detail
than 1 have had time for in this
program. Write for your copy.